Meth, crank, criss, dope

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Meth By Dana Meth By Dana

meth, crank, criss, dope

my people hittin that peezo

left opressed with no hope

satan says "you cant cope"

youre at the end of your rope

there aint no journey life is pointless

so off that deezo just toke/

I remember when I was 14

babysitting some kids

their mother handed me some powder

and told me "youll like this"

she showed me how to smoke it

innocence gone

weight droppin, drug house hoppin

the beginning of a new dawn/

I had drank before and smoked some weed

but what made me feel invincible was that speed

a hardened heart no longer bleeds

and it made me feel tough

beating domes into the curb

gone up off that stuff/

it made me feel pretty

made my sickness feel well

in shadows I would dwell

under addictions spell/

I'll never forget jumpin in a fooz face

who hit up my man with a gun in his waist/

I'll never forget, being raped

by someone I woulda died for

this is a dope users fate

suprises you never asked for/

And Ill never forget

stabbing myself twice

thinking "im going to hell, oh Lord please save my life"

I got a lil boy and this livin aint right

so I prayed to be set free in the hospital bed that night

tubes down my throat

all cuz of dope

26 years old

eyes vacant and cold/

I'll never forget

seeing a demon in Robs eyes

fist flying blood dripping

both headed for our own demise/

And I'll never forget

stealing from my mom

something I would never do

but respect was all gone/

Im tellin you it aint a joke

hit that poision

watch evil lunge for yout throat/

its an open invitation

to every evil there is

you aint seeing things bro

those shadows are demons/

Can u Guys PLZ tell Me wat ya'll think?? thnx Vote If u like :D thnx again

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