12 || annabeth and mari channel the spirits of game theory

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° ~ •. ♆ chapter twelve ♆ .• ~ °
"annabeth and mari channel the spirits of game theory"

After the whole 'Piper gets claimed' fiasco, Mari felt a little jealous. Of course, she was happy for Piper, but out of the four of them that had arrived that morning, she was the only one that couldn't go on the quest and the only one who hadn't been claimed. Which meant she had to sleep in the Hermes cabin.

As Mari trudged to Cabin Eleven, she saw Piper grumpily walking to Cabin Ten with a black jacket wrapped around her dress. Piper noticed her and mouthed "help" before being shoved in to the cabin by one of her sisters.

The Hermes Cabin was way bigger than it looked. The inside had chipped paint and was filled with rows of bunk beds for both Hermes kids and unclaimed kids. There was a map of Camp Half-Blood on the wall, and there were two chests filled with prank toys.

Travis, the head counselor for Cabin Eleven, escorted Mari to a free bunk in the corner of the room. "Last I checked, the bottom bunk was laced with itching powder. Then again, that was two hours ago. Y'know what, just use the top bunk, people usually never mess with that."

Mari nodded hesitantly. Travis gave her a pair of clothes to sleep in before leaving to yell at a camper who oddly looked a lot like him. She quickly changed into the clothes and climbed to the top bunk. The cabin was filled with chattering and yelling, but once the lights were turned off, it fell completely silent. While the cabin felt comfortable, it didn't feel right for Mari. Pushing the thoughts away, she tucked into bed and did her best to fall asleep.

While she had a relatively dreamless sleep, Mari could hear faint whispering, as if this voice was trying to talk to her, but didn't have the strength to. The voice had that stupid, godforsaken familarity about it, and it kept repeating the same two things:

"Seek out the North Wind."

"Save me, Mari, as I saved you."

Mari got up early the next morning, earlier than any of her temporary cabin mates. She felt a chill down her spine, as if the voice was still there, reminding her of what it asked. Suddenly, she didn't feel comfortable in the cabin anymore.

She saw a clean camp shirt and a pair of jeans neatly folded at the foot of her bed. She also saw that her windbreaker was now clean of all the dirt and mud it had before. She grabbed the clothes and changed as quickly and quietly as possible.

Mari carefully climbed down from the top bunk, trying not to make the wood floorboards creak. She slipped her shoes on, and after five minutes of trying to not wake anyone up, she made it to the door and left. The sun had just started to rise, and beams of sunlight passed through the trees.

There were a few other campers who had also woken up early, but they didn't seem to pay much attention to Mari as she walked onto the green area in the center of the cabins.

Mari decided to go back to the Poseidon cabin and check it out even more, despite that probably going against the rules. She turned around to make sure no one else saw her, then she dashed into the cabin.

The walls glowed like abalone despite the lack of light. The windows only seemed to face the ocean, and they had beautiful plants and coral on the window sill. There was a fountain in the middle of the room, but it wasn't producing any water because of a big slash in it, like someone had purposely cut the fountain. There were six bunks in the room, three on each side, and almost all of them had a thin layer of dust coating them. However, one bed caught Mari's eye.

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