CHAPTER 16: Interlude before combat

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In the intelligence section, Wales and Cleveland walked through one of the passageways while chatting.

Wales: It seems that the empire has lost some strength, it will take them a long time to recover from this blow. But we too can do nothing to seize the opportunity to attack the empire.

Cleveland: The Black Mental Cube? And also many of our ships have ended up with serious damage.

Wales: It is a mountain of problems, I hope this is not a setback.

Wales and Cleveland enter the lab and inside are Enterprise, Zumwalt, Akashi, Hornet, Amazon, and Langley.

Wales: Where is Belfast.

Enterprise: She is unwell, apparently she feels a little bad and is in the infirmary.

Wales: Hmm, I see. (Belfast unwell? What could have happened?) By the way, what do you know?

Amazon: Nothing at all.

Zumwalt: Even with my computers I cannot analyze this thing, it is made of a material that does not exist in the periodic table.

Langley: Well that was to be expected, after all we don't quite know about conventional mental cubes.

Ark Royal: (Reading an R-18 manga) I see, it's a Pandora's box.

Zumwalt: Even though between yesterday and today, the brightness has increased and we must assume that something very bad is going to happen.

Hornet: We can't let those tentacled chicks get away with it.

Enterprise: The general problem is that most of the ships on this base are disabled, Wales I think we will recite another ship with the firepower of Zumwalt.

Me: Hmm? You mean the Iowa class?

Enterprise: Yes.

Wales: Hmm, an Iowa-class battleship, I think we could use it in this situation.

Enterprise: I'll call the New Jersey task force, she's very close to the base patrolling.

Wales: A favor, call her, I have the feeling that we will miss her very much.

Enterprise: Same here.

Wales: Now Akagi is missing, that's what intelligence has informed us.

Enterprise: Akagi seems to have escaped unscathed in a way, but she hasn't returned with her fleet and that's worrying.

Wales: With Akagi missing, what worries me is how Kaga will act.


Kaga: Do you want to cancel the project !?

An altered and furious voice echoes through the imperial palace.

Nagato: You get me wrong, I just said I'm going to pause the project, we currently don't have the funds to finish that ship. Also, Akagi is missing and we need resources to find her.

Kaga: (annoyed) What did you say? Who put that stupid thing in your brain?

Kawakaze: Don't be disrespectful to Her Majesty!

Nagato: Stop Kawakaze!

Kawakaze: (Bows) Sorry.

Nagato: Answering your question Kaga, this decision is mine and no one put stupid ideas in my head, I think it's more like you who have stupid ideas in your brain.

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