Part 1

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Hello all i am here with a thing that popped in my head, i think this will be interesting~!


          Brandon groaned at the fact he had to move, they just moved to Florida 2 days ago and now he has to go to school tomarrow morning? he hates this, he layed in his soft bed pulling his silk covers over himself and closing his eyes going to sleep. it was around 12:00 am and he slowly woke up. he got out of bed and went to his window "mom won't mind me going out for a bit to eat..." he whispered to himself and went threw his bedroom windowing jumping to the ground and running threw the dark and cold night. he is only wearing black pj's and no shoes.

         he stopped when he saw a guy sitting on a bench in the park. he slowly walked up behind him and grabbed his shoulders, he was asleep. Brandon then moved his mouth slowly to his neck. his eyes turning blood red and going to slits. he bit down and started sucking, drinking the male's blood. after drinking all he needed he moved his mouth away looking at the two holes he left in the males neck and moved his collar of his shirt up hidding it. Brandon quikly hurried home and jumped threw his window. he went to his bed and got under the cuvers and snuggled up to the pillow and closed his eyes letting sleep take over him.

         Brandon's eyes slowly open from the light seeping in threw the windows. he groaned and sat up listening to the pretty birds chirp. he got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom and started brushing his teeth, he fixed his hair and went back to his room and got dressed in his goth outfit. it was a white button up long sleev with a black tie with a white skull at the end, black skinny jeans, black chain boots, and some piercing's and chains on his rist. he grabbed his coffin backpack and went to the door "bye mom! bye dad!" he yelled and ran towards the bus stop.

      he waited there and looked at his phone that had a black cat as it's cuver. 8:23, the bus should be here. he looked up and sighed seeing it coming. he put his phone away when it got there. he then went to the doors and smiled as he was let in. he walked on and went and sat down in a seat in the back. he looked out the window and watched the cars and trees pass him by. soon they where finally at school.

       Brandon stood up when the bus stopped. he went off the bus and started towards the school doors and walked threw them then went straite to the lunchroom where you were suposed to figure out where to go after the bell rings. Brandon has pointy ears not like humans or elves but almost like fairy's. he was a vampire though. Brandon went up to a teacher "um...Brandon Sullivan..." he said in a soft voice, the teacher looked on a sheet then handed him a piece of paper "go sit at that table over there" the teacher said pointing at a table. Brandon nodded and went towards it.

     Brandon walked up to the table and sat down nere the end away from the rest of them. he put his headphones on and started listening too his music, it's in Japanese. he was humming it to himself, it was actually good sounding. 2 boys looked over at him and flinched, they looked at eahother and nodded and stood up walking over to Brandon. one sitting across from him and the other sitting next to Brandon. Brandon opened his eyes and looked at them.

       he raised a eyebrow and looked at them "hey kid, whats your name?" the one across from his asked. Brandon rolled his eyes and pulled his head phones off "it is rude to ask someone who they are before saying who you are yourself." Brandon said looking at his phone again. the one next to him snickerd "tuff one here..." he said, Brandon only stood up and was about to leave when he ran straite into someone "oof!" Brandon grunted and fell to the floor onto his ass. he looked up to see a tall guy with tanned, brown eyes, blood hair,  and a firm body.

       he glared at the male standing up and dusting himself off "watch where your going" the male said, Brandon looked at him again "go fuck yourself" he hissed threw his fangs that where hidden. the guy snickerd "who do you think your talking to kid" the guy said and pushed Brandon making him lose balence just abit though. everyone crowded around, the 2 guys that where nere him stood up and pushed Brandon to the guy making him fall into his arms. the guy caught him "looky here, he thinks i'm holdin him! wrong!" he yelled and threw Brandon to the floor making him yelp.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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