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Here is your new baby boy

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Here is your new baby boy." Nurse lia had showed an ashy white baby wrapped in a blanket and handed him over to Izzy

Izzy took the his son and held him in both of his arms gently.

Do you have a name for him yet or..." Nurse lia asked typing on the computer

nah me and Deja was gonna come up with a name so I'll wait for ha to wake up." She looked up at him and she turned her head to the side

Sir there might be complications with getting ms.Bridge back and stable it was hard enough for your son to come out. The glass from her forehead pushed dead and now is touching piece of her brain if we gone get that out she'll have serious brain damage."

Just do what y'all do and make sure y'all do it correctly I'm not trying to have my son without his mother." Izzy said looking down at his baby boy who was sleep

I understand" nurse lia left the room

aww look at my grandbaby" Izzy's mom took him out of his hands

what's his name" Mariah asked him

he ain't go one I'm waiting for Deja so we could pick one"

his no name ass" Kam and Mariah laughed together and Rubi's mom hit them upside they head.

excuse me visiting hours are over now" some random nurse came in the room and one by one they all left

now it's just me and you lil nigga" Izzy said while feeding his son


It's been 3 months and Deja still hasn't waken up yet. I've been back and forth to the hospital the first week I took my son home he got sick and had to come back so a nigga just living here at this point.

"ain't shit on this hospital tv"I shook my head flicking through channels and i heard a beep next to me

fuck is that" I looked around me and ain't see shit that was beeping until it got louder and I looked behind me seeing that Deja's monitor was going off

yoo doctors" I pocked my head out the room door and some tall male white doctor came in

yes sir what's going on" her monitor thing is going off i don't know if that good or not" he looked over at the monitor and walked to the door "we need some people in here now" he yelled and a mad nurse and shit was running in
Sir we gonna ask you to step outside" one shorty came up to me

"for what ya ain't tell me what's going on ya just asking me to leave"

We're trying to save her please cooperate"I walked out the room and went down the hall to go check on my son

Hey bighead" I heard behind me and I turned around seeing old girl vansia

I forgot she worked here I shock my head

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