watching from a far

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Devin POV°

I was watering my flowers when Eden erupted me, "Devin I think someones watch us." I sigh and pay no attention to Eden and put away my watering can. I walk to my house to make tea and donuts.

Any 1 hour and 30 mins later

"Devin i'm serious I think someones watching us". I sigh again, "Why do you think that" I say while turning off my oven to let the tea cool, I go to the couch and start eating the donuts until there's a knock on the door. I get up and go to the door and open it, and who do I see. Plant standing there without david, "Plant where's David?" I ask, "Plant". I think for a moment, " You know what, Plant come in and sit" I smile while getting out of the to let Plant in. I shut the door and go to sit with them, "Do you want a chocolate donut?" I asked while handing them a chocolate donut "Plant!" Plant grabbed the donut and ate it. I get up and go to the tea and pour myself some, I go to sit back down when I notice Plant asleep, I sigh and drinks my tea at the counter. The door opened, I jumped in surprise to see David, comes into ask me something, then when he noticed Plant, "Oh that's where they went." David then looks at me, "Thanks for watching them!" David walks over to plant and picks them up and leaves while also shouting the door behind himself. I look down to my clothes and sigh, I put my now empty tea cup down and walk up stairs to shower and change.

Ritchie's POV°

I waddle into Devin's house after having a "few" drinks to hear water running from upstairs, 'He must be taking a shower' I think. I go to sit down and wait for him.

15 mins later

Devin's POV°

I get out of the shower and get dressed into new clothes and and a new robe. I head down stairs and hear snoring, when I get down, I see Ritchie asleep on my couch, I go over to him and shake him lightly, "Ritchie Sir, wake up". I hear him groan, he sits up and yawns. " Your awake that's good" I smile, Ritchie looks at me, I go over to my tea kettle and pour the rest of the tea in a pitcher. I begin to wash the kettle, I stop scrubbing the kettle and smell the aroma of alcohol. I put down my wash rag and the kettle, I look over to Ritchie and figure that he's drunk. Go over to him and sit. I think for a good moment, until I feel something, Ritchie puts his head in my lap.

Ritchie's POV°

"Hehe" I laughed quietly while I look up at Devin's blushing face, "You look so cute" I said say. I lift my head off his lap and look at him, "Are yo-you drunk sir?" Devin studders, "Define drunk" I say while smiling at him, Devin sighs while hiding his face with his hands. I get up and go to his sink and grabs a cup of water, I chug the water and sober up.

The end of the first chapter
Hope you enjoyed!

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