Q and A: pt 3

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What is your book going to be about?
I think it will be something to do with THG (The Hunger Games) but it might be something random I make up :)

Do you have a YouTube account?

Is cereal a soup? Why/why not?
Well... I can see both sides of the argument here.

For: yes, because its in a bowl and you eat it just like soup and it is liquid in there.

Against: no, because it is not hot and... It just isn't! XD

My personal opinion: no, I wouldn't count it as a soup...idk why tho. Maybe cuz for me soup should be hot? What do you guys think?

How old are you?
Nope... Let's keep it at under 20.

Do you like animals?
YES!!! <33

What's your fav youtuber?
Hmm... I watch a lot of different ppl but I like Sofie Dossi and Brent Rivera's group.

Is your handwriting neat or messy?
This is a funny one, I was thinking my next reveal would be handwriting :)
What do you guys think? Comment-->

Who is your fav character in THG?
Haymitch, Finnick, Katniss and Peeta.
(But I love all...except capitol ppl and careers)

What country do you live in?
Ok this sounds creepy... what are these questions getting at? XD But I live in Australia mate!!

Here are some photos I took of some animals down under:

Caption: just a deadly bird that can kill you hanging around hehe

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Caption: just a deadly bird that can kill you hanging around hehe. Its called a cassowary.

Caption: 2 LOVELY koalas snuggling each other in a tree :D

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Caption: 2 LOVELY koalas snuggling each other in a tree :D

A/N: That's all the questions you guys gave me and thanks for 300 followers! If you have any questions or just simply want to talk comment or pm me! (I check my PM's more often so if you want a reply go there!)

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