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"This breath, and this moment, and this life is a gift and we are all in this together. We all have countless choices every day to close down or stand up straight and open up, and take a big breath and say yes to the gift.” – Rob Bell

Dedicated to _naa_mah


Two days after Christmas, I found myself walking reluctantly to Wonder Park after my sister dropped me off.

The weather was cold even though the sun was shining. I wrapped myself in my hoodie as I tried to locate the spot my group members had chosen to discuss the project.

Couldn't it wait until after the New Year?

Of course not, 'cause apparently, our research sister - Gift Eniola - said we needed to meet up. Gave so many lame reasons as to why we had to: it would make us fast, we'd be the best...plus;

*coughs* she gets to see Ore Jumai again *coughs*

Okay that last part was added by me.

But seriously, would you wanna come out for school work after church on Sunday? Would you?

I kept walking. The grass was not littered, the cement and wooden chairs all arranged and neat. The trees danced to the rhythm of the wind. The air smelled clean even though it was cold and kinda hurt my nose. Silence filled the environment and it was really unusual for a park but I guess people didn't really show up on Sundays.

After two or three minutes, I found the spot where all my group members were. Apparently, I was the last to arrive, even Ore beat me to come this time.

They'd gathered in one of the few shady areas in the park. The seats were made of cement and a tree was in its middle. A cement pavement was also built around the tree to serve as a table.

Everyone turned to look at me as I arrived. We greeted and smiled and all then as I locked eyes with Ore, the words he'd told me the other day came back to me.

"It's all in your head."

Still hadn't figured what to do with that advice.

"Hey, mama." His eyes had this light that made me smile.

"Hey," I replied. I was about to sit somewhere else but he pulled me beside him.

"Seat mates stick together," he said, holding on to my hand and winked at me.

I smiled. "Okay..."

Nonso cleared his throat. "So...since um...Bolu has come, can we start?"

"Sure." Ore nodded at him then turned to Gift. "So, tell us what you got, research lady." He winked at her.

Flirt oshi

Gift blushed and removed the fringe covering her eye, adjusted her jacket and cleared her throat. "Okay, um...I was the one who called you guys here today because we need to know what and what we'd do and who'd do what, you grab?"

We all nodded in sync.

I released my hand from Ore's hold gently.

It made me uncomfortable and left tingling effects...that I would not like to accentuate on.

"So, I figured we'd split the things we had to do among ourselves today, like; who'd wear the costume, who'd handle the tech stuff, who'd show the proof for every theory and stuffs and who'd be the speaker..." Gift continued.

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