Chapter 18

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It's been a few months of shooting all of the episodes and now they were done. Sabrina smiled as she and Uriah were walking home while her thoughts suddenly went back to the episode they shot today. She shook her head as they got back to their apartment.

"Crazy how it's done. We shot like 50 episodes in 6 months," Uriah said.

"Yeah it is. Know what is also crazy? Maya isn't the only one who will be pregnant in season 2," Sabrina said as Uriah looked at her.

It was a chilly September afternoon. Sabrina and Uriah have now been married for 7 months while most of their friends and family are still admiring hoe they make it work.

"Sabrina, what do you mean with that? As far as I know there..."

"I'm pregnant," Sabrina said as Uriah looked at her.

"What! Are you serious?" he asked placing his arm around her waist.

"I just found out," Sabrina said.

"Sabrina that's insane!" Uriah said smiling.

"Are you happy or..."

"Of course I'm happy. We may only be 23 and 21 but I wouldn't have this any way else. I love you, Sabrina. And I always will. And a kid will only make that love stronger," Uriah said.

"Love you too," Sabrina said throwing her arms around his neck immediately kissing him.

Okay so this sucked. But there it is. There will definitely be a sequel as well so don't worry. But now I have a question : baby boy or girl?
See you guys in the sequel!

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