Chapter: 2: the dorms

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Kokichis POV:

We are in a school just to kill each other... that thought ran threw my mind over and over. Monokuma spoke up to break the slience" well just to inform you all have Dorms and each 3 people will be in 1 Dorms" his voice is so childish and annoying to listen to,I just stood there thinking about the dorm situation, Nagito came up to me and said " Hey ouma do you want to come with me and Byakuya to go to check out where are the Dorms" "First you can call me Kokichi and sure I would love to join you both" I said with a bright smile on my face" Nagito smiled back and we started searching to where the Dorms could be. until we found the place where the Dorms were,it had picture portraits of every 3 people together. when I was looking for mine I saw that shuichi got a room with the other 2 boys Hajime hinata and Makoto Naegi... i feel jealous that there was someone else with him... wait what I'm thinking?! I just met him today. "Hey kokichi we found the dorm turns outs we all are Roomates" nagito said in a calm voice "fantastic there's a bunk bed and a bed" said Byakuya in a sarcastic voice. "Debs on one of the bunk beds" i said in a child like voice. "I wouldn't mind taking the other bunk bed and that leaves you Byakuya with the bed" said Nagito
Byakuya response was " every well then,but this place is rather clean even tho Hope peaks academy was just reopened after Decades of being in lock down""yes there seems theres something fishy is happening here in this academy" I replied to his comment "Very fishy" Nagito said while pointing out to 3 tool kits on the beds. We started getting comfortable in this room as we would stay here for long. I spoke up " hey how about we get to know each other more as we could stay roomates for a while"
They both agreed and we started asking each other questions,Byakuya asked me what my ultimate talent was since I never told them about I told them I'm the ultimate supreme leader. Nagito explained about the endless unlucky and lucky cycle he went through his whole life, to me it was like his life is a fantasy that once fails then rises again! And Byakuya found it interesting that something bad happens to Nagito then is replaced with some thing pleasant.
We have been talking for so long that it was already 10pm and the time of the night time announcement "wow we have been talking for that long that its 10 pm" Nagito said shocked by the info "I guess we were talking for that long now exuse me I will get ready for bed" said Byakuya me and nagito also got ready for bed. We headed to bed and I was woke up around 12 am by some weird giggling then I saw Nagito sitting in his bunk i hung upside down to check up on him trying not to wake Byakuya up " hey nagito are you okay? I whispered he proceed to hand me a card I went to the bathroom and opened the light to read it until byakuya woke up sounding sleepy "may I ask why is there this much noise in the middle of the night" I called togami to open the lights he did and I asked him to read the card nagito gave me as I couldn't understand what some of the words meant. Byakuya read what the card said and was shocked and had pity for Nagito, he told me that Nagito had something called Frontotemporal Dementia, a neurodegenerative disease that affects his personality and social cognition and thus may account for some of his strange behavior. We both felt bad and pity for him so we tried to calm him down a bit then I remembered I had seen some pills in some of the cabinets that had the disease name I proceed to get them and show them to Byakuya who was impressed I actually found these and gave them to Nagito who calmed down and started to fall asleep. We decided to go to bed.. the next moring we all got dressed and I grabbed the pills and put them in my pockets incase Nagito had another random burst again and then we headed to the cafeteria and ate breakfast with everyone and that was our daily routine for 2 months straight without any murder occurring during that time I started getting closer to The ultimate Detective shuichi saihara while nagito got closer to Hajime hinata and Byakuya got closer to makoto naegi. One day I felt sick and went to the bathroom locking my self in one stall and I started throwing up blood and one petal came out of my mouth and it was the irises flower which was a blue beautiful blue flower it reminded me of shuichi I started throwing up blood when I mentioned shuichi then that's when it hit me..... do i have the hanahaki disease?

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