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mean while a girl by the name lighting was playing with her powers when her dad said "I'm need  on a mission your going the HQ today" he said she walked out of the living room with her bag that had a lighting bolt on it "ok" she said to her dad they went out side to get in the car. they drove to the Heroics HQ building and some guards walked her to the room with all the other Heroic kids in it "studying" and "working on homework" about 5 minutes later, missy Moreno walks in with Ms.grandad as she compliments all of them for working hard. but as soon as the door closes behind Ms.grandad , noodles stretches his neck out to reach the door and listen to see if she was still there then he nodded his head after a short while and said "they're gone" everyone cheered and threw their papers into the air.

wheels rolls over to missy as the rest of the kids starts to play with their power. "hi, I'm wheels. yes they call me that on account of wheelchair its a lilted on the nose but I like it because it cool" he says to missy "okay" she saids back to wheels "you may think I'm in the wheelchair because in not able to walk but no it because I'm to strong and hold my upper body up" he saids and continuous to say" lucky for me I'm supper smart" "so wheels who's your new friend" noodle said while stretches his neck over to see missy and wheels "missy this is noodles we call him that because well" he said before mussy stops him by cutting him off "he stretches and twists around like a noodle" she said "yes basically and that's ojo her power is that she is a genius draw" wheels said to missy" she like a Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador dail" he added " can I please see that" missy ask ojo and ojo hands her the device " a kid standing on top of floating chairs and exploding exercise ball" she asked "nothing she draws makes sense" wheels say " is that me why'd did you draw me in front of the class" she asked ojo " oh and she wonts answer she only speaks through her drawings" noodle say to missy "don't speak I know just what you're saying"

a capella walks over to them" no you don't have no clue what she is saying" noodles say to a capella " and this is a capella" wheels said to missy "it me" a capella said "that your superpower you can sing" missy ask a capella "yep but I have an unusual sound range I can go low or I can go super hight" "or go super super high" no one can her voice "I didn't hear you" missy said to a capella " its beyond human hearing" a cappella says to missy "is it" saids noodle and pointing at a girls in the back of the room shaking "sorry" saids a capella as the girls give a thumbs up to a capella " please refrain from using your super high voice now every dog in the neighborhood has surrounded our building" Ms.Granda voice and all the kids laughed as the pa turns of " and she can sing super low that object can move, show her how you can make things float" wheels say to a capella she starts to singing lower and lower to where objects start to move up to the ceiling "then there blinding fast kid slow-mo he actually moving very fast but somehow his power are in a time warp" wheels say to missy "hi" slo-mo saids " that kid over there is face maker" "two packs of candy for crossing our eyes" face maker challenges noodles "okay" noodles says in a challenging voice to face maker "beat that" he says making his eyes normal again " he can make some craziest face" wheels tells missy.

Face maker crosses his eyes and then his lift eye goes over to where his right eye is and then he puts his eye back to normal "its impossible" noodle exclaims to face maker " I can ever change my face to look like your" he said to noodles he changes his face to look like noodles then changes it back to his face "he cheating I can't compete with that" noodles saids then noodles make is hand bigger and smashes the table with his hand. "rewind clean up on aisle two"wheels says to rewind "that rewind he can rewind Time bug just for a few seconds at a time." wheels tells miss. he rewinds a little and they switch the table for an exercise ball and noodles smashes the exercise back knocking face maker back and the rope "the twins the crazy right" wheels tills missy "their twins what twins" missy asks "fast forward are you at it again" wheels asks a girl wearing a blues shirt "you were taking so long so I skipped you forward a bit sorry not sorry" fast forward says to wheels "they're twins its crazy right and then there's one of our fearless leader, wild card there not a power in the world he doesn't have" wheels say as they walk up to wild card "true" wild card says "sure he has ever power imaginable but since he can't focus in his energy they show up randomly" face maker say "also true until now that is" "teleport" wild card attempts to teleport his book but instead lights it on fire. then a thing of water flouted to the fire to put it out "and this is puppy" wheels said to missy "how are you making that to" she asked the young girl "my mommy is lava girl and my daddy is Sharkboy so inside of have lava powers I can move water" guppy say to missy as she is dropping the ambulance on wild card text book. " but I need hydration for my power to work" guppy say grabbing her water bottle and drinking some the she spits it out and make a shark an da person had the shark eat the person and than the water disappeared "that so cool" missy complinents guppy at her powers "thanks" guppy's says back."now there one more of us flouting some where around here and three,two,one" lighting flouts down and landed beside wild card "that would be me hi I'm lighting daughter of Thor I inherited my dad lighting powers and some other but I'm the other leader"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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