Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Rhys changed his mind about kissing her.

It was her sudden acquiescence to his compromising her reputation that probably did it. Whatever the reason, he knew he could not bring himself to do so. If he kissed her, he wanted to kiss her as Rhys Ashcroft, not James Sutton. He was he realised, an utter fool.

"I thought we were going into the garden, Mr Sutton," Danielle enquired when he slowed down his steps substantially.

"Maybe you were right," he told her gruffly. "Maybe you're not safe with me."

She gave him an adorably puzzled look. "But you said that I was-"

"I know what I said," he interrupted almost savagely. Cursing silently, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. It was utterly imbecilic coming here. How could he explain to her that he didn't want to kiss her because the thought of her kissing another man- even if it were he- left a bitter, unpleasant taste in his mouth? Oh, the notion even sounded idiotic to him in his own mind. He was mad for thinking it. He wanted her- but not as James Sutton. It had to be Rhys Ashcroft who claimed her in the most fundamental of ways.

Sod it, what did he even care? It wasn't like he even cared for the girl...much...

Anger, frustration, desire all warred within, fighting to gain control. It was astounding how little of it he actually had over his own body and suddenly he needed to prove that he didn't care about Danielle Carmichael in the way his actions were proving to him that he did. Growling incoherently, he yanked her against him and crushed his mouth down on hers.

She resisted like a woman possessed. A muffled shriek vibrated against his lips as she squirmed violently in his arms, thrashing against him with all the force in her small body.

Abruptly, he released her and she stumbled backwards a step, her palm landing resoundingly against his cheek.

"You said I was safe with you!" she seethed, her blues eyes flashing with a vehemence that astounded him. God, she was beautiful when she was furious.

"I lied," he snapped succinctly. "You practically threw yourself at me."

Her fury convalesced into affronted rage. "I did no such thing!"

"You were perfectly willing a moment ago to enter a secluded garden alone with me," he ground out.

"Only because you told me-"

"Never trust a man, especially when he endeavours to lead you into isolated gardens at a party."

She glared at him silently a moment. "You had no right," she hissed. "I would never consent."

"You were on your way to giving it," he growled, recalling the way in which she had willingly complied with his gentle coaxing into the garden. "How else is a man to read a woman who allows a stranger to accompany them into a quiet garden?"

Her eyes widened and filled with horror. "I didn't know," she murmured desperately, "I would never-"

He snorted derisively. "We both know that that would have taken all but a couple of minutes and then you would have been ruined."

Back was the effrontery and outrage, an utterly bewitching combination. "I would never have consorted with you because I... feel strongly for another!"

His heart stopped beating altogether. "Why are you out here alone with me then?" he asked raggedly.

She shrugged, making a vague gesture with her wrist. "You were here. He is not."

"Not very loyal, are you?"

She blinked at him. "Why are you defending a man you know nothing about?" she snapped angrily. "If you must know, he does not return the sentiment. I enjoyed your attention, Mr Sutton, but I was hardly going to act inappropriately on it. I had no idea such illicit thoughts existed in your mind."

"Illicit thoughts exist in every man's mind should he chance to glance upon you, Miss Carmichael."

She snorted and crossed her arms over her breasts, a stance that was decidedly offish. "Don't be absurd. No man has ever attempted to force himself on me before."

Deciding it best to let this subject drop, Rhys let out a breath and ran his hand through his hair. "I'll escort you back inside," he told her gruffly. "Let me make amends for my behaviour."

Her eyes were wide and thoughtful, a little bit sad too, as she studied him. "I think I'd like a few moments alone, Mr Sutton, if you don't mind."

"Not at all." He bowed and reluctantly turned away from her. Loathe as he was to leave her to her solitude, he couldn't very well trust himself to be alone with her for a moment longer. Like her, he too needed isolation, to mull over these new feelings and decide the best course of action to take. For so long he had been so sure of his way of life, his means of survival, and now...well... Danielle had changed all that.

As soon as he re-entered the hall, his mind brooding with these thoughts, Gabriel cornered him and dragged him off to a small alcove that was separate from the rest of the masquerade.

"Are your intentions honourable?" he demanded.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Gabriel studied him intently through his mask. "Rhys," he began warningly, "Dani isn't like your normal-"

"Oh, for God's sake-"

"You've compromised her already, haven't you?" Gabriel accused, almost threateningly.

Slightly taken aback by this, Rhys cocked an arrogant brow and considered taunting him briefly. This was a side of Gabriel he had never been made aware of. In the past, they had both adopted a devil-may-care attitude, especially when it came to the women they consorted with. The worse sort of rakes, they had paid little heed to the reputations they demolished.

"Don't be ridiculous," Rhys told him after a moment.

"Then what are your intentions with her? She isn't your normal taste."

"I haven't sampled my normal taste in over five years, Gabriel."

"You know what I mean, Ashcroft."

Rhys sighed. "I don't know what my intentions are. I don't know whether I should even have intentions about her."

At that, all the tension between them shattered and Gabriel smiled wolfishly. "Good God, man, you've got a big problem on your hands," he laughed.

"You have no idea."

"Once you're married-"

"You're mad. I can't marry her."

Gabriel frowned slightly. "Why not?"

Rhys inwardly groaned. He hated bringing up his scars. The topic of his deformities always made him uncomfortable, wary, and uneasy. The only person to have ever seen them had been Gabriel and his reaction fuelled his desire to remain unseen and hidden away. "You know why," he grated, gesturing at his mask briefly.

Gabriel looked confused for a moment before realisation dawned on his face. "Of course!" he murmured. "Completely forgot about those." He grinned knowingly. "You'll learn for yourself but Danielle's different. She's not they type of girl to let a few little scars bother her."

"They aren't little," Rhys grunted, annoyed.

"Theyare as big as you make them."

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