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27th october 2020

Isabella was at least 2 glasses of wine and 3 pina coladas in. She wasn't drunk, just slightly tipsy. Quite tipsy. And Ethan wasn't much better either.

"probably shouldn't drive home" he chuckled

"I think you might be slightly over the limit" Isabella giggled

"One more drink? And then I will book us an uber"

"why don't you come back to mine?" Izzy suggested

"Or, why don't you come to mine?"

"I have to go back for my dog"

"You have a dog?"

"Yeah, little small white one. She's what everyone would call basic but I rescued her"

"That's adorable, does she mind cars?"

"She doesn't mind them, why?"

"Why don't we go and pick her up, and you can bring her to mine with you?"

"are you sure?"

"Of course, I want to meet her. What's she called?"

"Milla, like Mil-Ler"

"I am excited to meet her"

"first date, and your already inviting me and my dog back to yours"

"you suggested it, and technically second date" Ethan giggled

"What going home together? And true, best three minutes of my life"

"Yep, and I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not. But I would rather it stay that way. Because there is still the chance that you could not be being sarcastic"

"are you having the same drink again? or a different one?"


"This is Milla" Isabella smiled, climbing back into the uber with a bag of PJ's, a spare change of clothes, toiletries, and dog supplies.

"why is she wrapped in a blanket?"

"to keep her safe and warm"

"can I hold her?"

"Of course"

Ethan took Milla from Izzy and held her gently in his lap. He gently stroked her head, the only part of her body sticking out from the blanket.

"This is equivalent to meeting the parents" Ethan giggled "Meeting the dog"

"It is, and she likes you. So I think you have passed"


"And at my cousins house, in isleworth, I left my old Labrador with them"

"I love labradors, bigger dogs always have a special place in my heart"

"Me too, as much as I love milla, and she is my baby, big dogs will always be my favourite"

"Milla is adorable. Not even lying she is probably one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen" Ethan exclaimed

"It just wasn't fair to keep Juice in a flat, they live in a house with a big garden, so he can run around"

"So did you used to live with your cousins at their house?"

"Yeah, I lived in a flat with Ellie one of my cousins for a bit, then me, her, josh, kyle and his girlfriend moved into that house, then I moved out into my current flat. And then I rescued Milla, when she was like 7 months old"

"That's adorable. We are nearly at mine by the way"


"you look beautiful tonight, by the way" Ethan murdered.

The two sat on the sofa, Ethans arm around her shoulder. Each of them gripping a glass of wine they had brought from the shop near his. Milla snuggled against Ethans leg.

"you looked rather nice yourself" Isabella chuckled.

"thank you, thank you"

"thank you for this evening too, I really enjoyed it"

"anytime" he blushed

The whole conversation, they hadn't broken eye contact. The spotify music playing in the background. The candles, Isabella had insisted he lit, flame sparked in the corner of the room.

Ethans eyes danced between hers and her lips. She didn't have any time to comprehend the moment, before she crashed her lips against his.

Each of them placing down their glasses, Izzy cupped both her hands against his cheek.

Their intermit moment lasted for quite a while, syncing their movements perfectly with one another. Before pulling away and smiling, uncontrollably.

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