Telling hawks

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Dabi sat on the edge of the bed infront of hawks sighing. Listen hawks.. That guy uh.. Touya?.. I'm him.. hawks just sat there in confusion happiness and sadness. He sat up and was softly crying. Dabi pulled him into a tight hug and hawks wings were down and folded in. Shhh birdy.. let it all out.. hawks kept crying. Thank you for telling me or else I would've never known. Dabi layed his chin on hawks fluffy blond hair and smiled the biggest he's ever smiled. Hawks was also smiling the two idiots were truely and finally happy this day had come. Dabi was so relieved he didn't have to hide this from hawks anymore and he could just be himself knowing he didn't have anything to hide and they both kept living there life happy as ever in the castle laughing playing games and whatever you name it they do it. Hawks was also happy because he got to spend so much time with dabi. I think this is all they've ever really wanted. Dabi and hawks kept there relationship private thought they didn't want anyone knowing touya was out there somewhere because if so he would've been taken away.

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