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sakura started to date itachi officially for nine months fugako said he did a right choice same goes for mikoto shes happy someone heals sakura heartbroken

Itachi help she to completely forgot about sasuke and move on with him everything was perfect

sakura live with him in his house and she cooks him his favorite food she cleans the house she wash his clothes she is a perfect housewife same goes for itachi he gets her gift everyday

he treat her right he never hits her they never agrue and he never come home late he was the opposite of sasuke
Itachi even write love poems and love songs for sakura since she like it alot he even plans to propose to her by help of hinata and naruto

sasuke and ino were in such a horrible relationship ino was nothing like sakura she was so noisy and annoying she never cooks the way he loves and she agrue with him if he's late on minute she claims he's cheating while she's the one who is cheating on him with sai

sakura heared about thire complicated relationship but she dont care she's happier with itachi but what shocked her is sasuke never apologized to her or said he regret cheating sure she won't accept him but she want him to regret what he did to her

Itachi in three month has took sakura with him traveling to another place as a holiday for both of them form missions they went to a beautiful village that have alot of pretty garden and cherry blossoms they were never a part ever since these three month

here is who thire life is now

"Itachi kun! Give me back my phone!" sakura whined and tried to reach her phone out of itachi's hand, itachi smirked at the pinkette cute angry face she was like meowing more than whining

"Aww your so cute sakura chan" he said sweetly making sakura blush and look away sakura for sure was a tsundere but she is also a shy girl she gets shy when a man she loves compliments her

she looked away smiling while blushing and looked at itachi blushing and smiling "baka ita-kun.." he smiled
"Baka for you sakura hime.." he leans and kissed her as she kissed him back

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