Inside her head

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"what was god thinking creating me ? I for sure know he was high on weeds, like seriously what the fuck is this, what have you created".
"Why am i always confused, what am I supposed to do next ,what am I?".

She laid in her bed like everyday , curtains closed hiding all the possible light that could've entered through her windows.

"What wakes me up everyday,am I living or existing" ,
"why am I always confused about everything".

Growing up or existing like this is was never easy for her, always overwhelmed with her own thoughts and emotions .
She always felt like she didn't belonged in this world and one thing she knew for sure that she was never meant to fit in.

"Is it just me or does everybody feels like this ?" ,

"what is the purpose of my life ,why was I send to this world , do I have anything to do in this world ?"
Her questions was never answered but she knew deep down only she can find the answer to all of these questions.

but she wanted somebody to answer her questions.

Wouldn't that be easier If everyone knew exactly what they were meant to do in this world since the day they were born ,
Were to live ,who to meet and how they should be living and eventually how they disappeared she thought to herself.

"Why does it feel like iam the only upnormal person among all of the people living on this planet ,am I dead?".

She always felt like an outcast in the world she lived, always looked down and remarked as weird, awkward ,nerd and many more names.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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