L.E.H 10

406 12 1

Real life von and durk 

Durk's Pov 

I jump out of bed and open the door and see von smirking. "How you get here so quick?" i ask as he walks in. "Don't worry bout that" von says walking upstairs. I follow him and go in my room to see him laying on my bed. Von opened his arms and i went to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I started playing with his o block chain as he smiles down at me. "Yo eyes so adorable" von says making me blush. "Glad you think so" i say before leaning up and pecking his cheek. Then before i know it i'm in his lap with him looking up at me with a smile. 

"Give me a kiss" von says leaning up. I press my lips on his and he kisses back the kiss was soft and innocent until his hand went around my throat. "You thought i forgot bout yo attitude didn't you?" von asks looking at my lips. "N-no" i say as his grip gets tighter. He slams his lips on mine and i kiss back moving around in his lap as he groans making me shiver. He flips us over so my back was against the bed. 

Suddenly von got off me and laying beside me. "Don't get smart with me again" von says licking his lips. "Cause next i ain't finna be nice" von says as i nod. "Good now go to sleep it's late" von says turning over leaving me frustrated and confused. 

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