Soft like Pillows

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I am soft like pillows.

When I was young and firm, I stood by your side and made promises. 

My hair was light from the sun

My eyes were bright like the sea

But now I am soft

Like pillows

The baby's fist knots in my hair

She hides in the caramel cascades

And flirts with you

My voice is lullabies at story times

And hard rock when I chastise

The children pile around me

Head in my lap

Another leaning against me

They play with my fingertips

And giggle their secrets

Because I am soft

Like pillows

When the children sleep, you pull me away

And lead me in a sweet, familiar dance.

Your hands like my soft curves.

Your eyes call me beautiful.

Then when slumber takes our sight

You pull me close and won't let go

Because I'm soft

Like pillows.

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