chapter twenty-three ; the day after

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"What time did you get home?" Alex questioned. "I was so worried, I rang you multiple times. I thought the dude ended up eating your insides or something."

"I got home pretty late," I responded. 

"Yeah no shit."

"But I had a great time," I continued. "I didn't really think he'd be so much fun to hang out with but he was. I had a wonderful time. We went to a restaurant and then he took me to this special area and we just watched the stars. It was great."

"Sounds like something someone would do with a lover," Alex whistled. "You got feelings for him?"

"No," I confessed. "He's just a friend."

"Oh well you have plenty of time," he responded, throwing his phone aside. "Want me to take you to work?"

"Micah said he'll be picking me up," I told him with a grin. "So you get to rest today."

"Oh?" he began with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Micah said he'll be picking you up, huh?"

"Oh shut up," I groaned, throwing a pillow at his face. "It doesn't mean anything. We're just friends, that's all."

Alex was about to throw the pillow back at me when the doorbell rang, saving my life.

"That must be him, see ya," I said, walking out the door and greeting Micah with a small grin. I looked over to the car and spotted another figure in the passenger's seat.

"Did you bring someone else with you?" I questioned, looking over at him. 

He nodded, "Yeah, I brought Miles, hope you don't mind. We were planning on going for a small drive after I dropped you off."

"That's fine," I responded before walking over to the car and getting into the backseat instead. Micah took his usual seat behind the steering wheel and looked over at me, "You ready?"

"Of course I am," I stated before greeting Miles with a 'hello'.

"Hi," he mumbled back, looking down at his lap.

"He's not too good with social interaction," Micah revealed. "Give him some time and he'll warm up to you eventually. Isn't that right, lil fella?"

"Yeah, whatever," he responded in a soft voice, turning to look out the window.

Micah let out a fond chuckle at his reaction and reached his hand out to give Miles a loving pat on the head, "Cutie."

See, I know I told Alex that Micah and I were just friends and I didn't possess even a morsel of feelings for him - and that's true. That's still very true. But why did seeing Micah interact with Miles in that way make me feel a twinge of an.. unknown emotion? Jealousy?

I shrugged it off and looked out the window to distract myself.

At that point, Micah had begun full-on flirting with his best friend over there and I was so ready to hop out the window and walk to the hospital. When we finally got there, I stepped out of the car with a quick 'thank you' and proceeded towards the building.

However, I heard a series of quick footsteps approaching me and turned around instinctively to observe the source of the noise.

"What is it?" I questioned upon noticing that it'd been Micah following me.

"You left this," he said, handing me my phone. "Be careful, this is the second time around me that you've almost left your phone somewhere."

"Oh," I started. "Thanks."

He nodded and turned to leave but I stopped him in his tracks by clearing my throat, "Um. Do you just flirt with.. everyone you know?"

"What do you mean, doc?" he questioned, looking back to make sure Miles wasn't listening in on our conversation. Once he was sure that Miles was preoccupied with something else, he turned to face me once again.

"I mean," I started, unsure as to how I could phrase it without sounding like a total jealous douchebag. "It's just.. you were flirting with Miles in the car and you flirt with me pretty often too. I was just curious. Is it like that with everyone?"

"Well, yeah, pretty much," he nodded. "I do flirt with nearly everyone. But it's just harmless flirting. It doesn't mean anything."

"Doesn't mean anything?" I repeated with a curious tilt of my head.

"Yes," he confirmed. "It's all meaningless flirting. It doesn't mean anything - but of course, there's an exception."

"Name said exception."

He leaned in for a moment, so close to the point where his lips were nearly in contact with my ear. He then whispered, "When his name is Amos."

With that, he turned around and jogged away with a 'see ya later, doc!'.

I didn't know if he had meant what he said about me being the only exception to his flirting being meaningless or if he was just flirting harmlessly again and trying to fuck with my emotions deliberately.

With a huff, I turned around and walked into the building, trying not to think too much of it for the rest of the day.

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