Katie's Lair

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Abby finally arrives at Katie's Liar.

Katie: "Well, well, well. Welcome, (deep voice) TO MY LAIR! (normal voice) Let me flag something up: According to the control panel light up there, it's going to start raining traps, in about six minutes. I'm pretty sure it's the problem with the light. I think the light's on the blink. But just in case it isn't, I actually have to kill you, as discussed earlier. So, let's call that three minutes, and then a minute break, which should leave a leisurely two minutes to figure out how to shut down whatever's starting all the fires. So anyway, that's the itinerary. Also, I took liberty of watching the tapes of you grounded me, and I'm not going to make the same mistakes, 4-part plan is this: 1: No Portal Surfaces. 2: Start The Neurotoxin Immediately. 3: Revenge-proof shields for me. Leading directly into number 4: Revenge. For killing you. You know what, this plan is so good, I'm going to give you a sporting chance and turn off the Neurotoxin. I'm joking. Of course. Goodbye."

Announcer(Portal 2): "Neurotoxin level at capacity in five minutes."

The First Core get attached onto Katie Sweeper by Abby Hatcher.

Announcer: "Warning: Core Corruption at 50%. Vent system compromised: Neurotoxin offline.  Reactor explosion in four minute."

Abby then shuts Katie down again, and attaches the second core to her.

Announcer: "Warning: Core Corruption at 75%. Reactor Explosion Timer destroyed. Reactor Explosion Uncertainty Emergency Preemption Protocol initiated. This facility will start raining traps in two minutes."

After Katie says "Enough!" Abby shuts down Katie the third time with a nail, this will make the third core appear.

Bozzly: "Good job Abby! Oh! And here's another core, this should do it!"

Abby: "Okay."

Abby gets the third core and attaches it to Katie.

Announcer: "Warning: Core Corruption at 100%."

Katie groans.

Announcer: "Manual Kill, Required."

Katie: "Oh. I see. [chuckles]"

Announcer: "Stalemate Associate, please press the Stalemate Resolution Button."

Abby presses the button.

[Switch Activated]

Announcer: "Stalemate Resolved."

The explosions kill Katie Sweeper, which frees all of Abby's Fuzzlies from all of Katie's traps.

Fuzzlies: "We're free! Thank you Abby!"

Abby: "You're welcome."

Bozzly: "What's that you have on?"

Bozzly asked

Abby looks back at the diaper she still has on, she blushes in embarrassment.

Abby: "Oh, it's... uh... um... uh..."

Bozzly feels some crinkles on the fabric, then he feels the 2 tabs holding the fabric on Abby by it's 2 tapes.

Bozzly: "It feels like you're wearing a diaper Abby."

Guessed Bozzly.

Abby smiles in embarrassment.

Abby: "Well, yeah, I am wearing a diaper. How did you know?"

She asked.

Bozzly: "Don't know, just I felt it's fabric."

Abby: "Oh, okay."

Abby sits down in the diaper she has on, and pats it.

Abby: "Ahh... Wow, this diaper actually feels quite as good as I think. I feel... very comfortable in it, I really like it. In fact, I'm gonna leave it on."

Bozzly: "Okay, Abby."

Abby stands back up, her stomach growled after Bozzly's stomach growled.

Abby: "I'm hungry too, guess It's time we head back for home for dinner. Come on Fuzzlies."

They all go back home now, but on the way there Abby spotted a car accident.

Abby Hatcher: Katie Sweeper, Fuzzly Keeper - The Last RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now