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Four years later

"Sara? Have you seen my report for the Clarke files?" Nyssa called to her wife from her office.

Sara looked up from the book she was reading. She dropped the book, losing her page, and shuffled across the room, lifting the paper up. She moved into Nyssa's office and handed her the paper.

"Thanks beloved." Nyssa said softly, pulling her into a quick kiss. "I have to run to the office. Will you be okay with Daniel while I'm gone?" She asked, referring to their one year old son.

Sara nodded slowly, looking a little hesitant. She hadn't been home alone with him before, but she didn't want to keep Nyssa from her work.

"I won't be long, I just have to run these in." Nyssa promised softly. "And remember, Maya and Carina are just next door if you need them, they always are, although they may have their hands full with Maisie, she is a bit of a drama queen, that daughter of theirs." She chuckled softly.

Sara nodded slowly again, releasing a small chuckle.

Kissing her cheek, Nyssa made her way toward the door.

Sara watched her.


True to her word, Nyssa wasn't gone long and arrived back just as Daniel woke up from his afternoon nap.

Sara stepped into the hallway with Daniel in her arms. He was babbling in baby talk about something Sara didn't understand, kicking his legs as she carried him and flapping his hands about as he talked.

"Hi baby." Nyssa said, gently taking him and kissing Sara's cheek.

Sara gently stroked his soft dark hair.

Daniel laughed, smiling, he clapped his hands.

"Our little family is perfect." Nyssa said softly as Rabbit ran in quickly followed by Smokey and Nugget. "But I do miss Caitlin and Felicity, although I'm happy they both found someone who loves them as much as I love you. Barry and Ray treat them right and that's what they deserve."

Sara smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

Daniel squealed and clapped his hands.

Sara kissed Nyssa's cheek.

"I love you." Nyssa whispered in her ear.

"I love you too." Sara scribbled in her notebook and showed Nyssa. 

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