Midnight Colors Fanfic- Teaser

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Midnight Colors Fanfic


When I stepped outside of school, I could feel the cold winter wind on my face. I had just turned 12, and I couldn't wait to get home and see what my mother had planned for me. As I lost myself in thought somepony walked up to me, tapped my shoulder, and I jumped. "Gahh, what the heck?" I turned around and saw my best friend, Blazing Inferno. She was a pegasus, and I always called her Blaze because Blazing Inferno was just a mouthful. She laughed at me and nudged my shoulder. "Geez, it doesn't take much to sneak up on you does it?" She looked at me with her yellow eyes and smiled. I laughed and replied, "Haha, I guess so! Just.. don't sneak up on me next time, okay? You know how I am when I am thinking." She winked at me and said, "Okay, Mr. Daydream. I stuck my tongue at her playfully, and she giggled. I laughed as well, and we said our goodbyes for the day. "See you later, Midnight! Oh, and happy birthday!" She tossed me a present and trotted off. "Thanks!" I yelled as I pondered what could be in the box. I started walking home, looking at my surrounings. I saw somepony in their house next to the fireplace reading a book, then looked towards the couch and laughed. There was a little filly with a purple coat and a star for a cutie mark practicing magic. It seems she just dropped a pillow she was levitating on her head. Then, the little filly looked outside at me and winked. I was sort of embarassed when her mom, (Who was a teacher at our school), decided to wave at me while smiling awkwardly. I waved back and continued trotting home. Of course, I was not expecting home to be the way it was when I got there. Not expecting this at all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2013 ⏰

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