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Hazel tried to get her breathing under control. Reyna knows what you did, the voices taunted, they all know and they'll hate you for it.

Shut up! Hazel told them. She didn't know how Reyna knew, but it didn't matter anymore. She just wished she'd been able to get Annabeth, Piper, and Leo to safety. Maybe she could have if she hadn't hesitated. Why was she so afraid to use her powers?

Hazel paced back and forth, she noted Reyna was careful to lock her in a wooden room. She must have suspected how Hazel got the prisoners out. Her last hope was Frank, but who knew where he was? Hopefully he escaped in time, but he couldn't show his human form anywhere at camp. And worst of all, not only did she let down Percy, but she destroyed the last hope for peace. At least with Percy and Annabeth reunited there would be more time. Reyna said she wouldn't execute her, but Hazel doubted the rest of the legion would agree. She was a daughter of Pluto after all, one who raises giants and lies about her past.

Hazel groaned and sunk to the floor, her head in her hands. Of all the messes she'd been in, this took the cake.

Hushed voices outside the door broke her train of thought, and Hazel raised her head to listen. Metal boots stomped away, and it was momentarily quiet. Then the door opened, gliding noiselessly on its hinges. Hazel blinked in surprise. Reyna stood in the doorway, dressed in all black.

"Hazel," she said, "if you want to live, come with me."

Hazel just stared. Was this some elaborate plan to execute her?

Reyna rolled her eyes. "I'm not trying to trick you, I'm getting you out of here. Jason wants to execute you and I don't think I can stop him. Are you coming?"

What's the worst that could happen? "Yeah," Hazel said. "I'm um.... I'm right behind you."

Quiet as a ghost, Reyna led Hazel down an empty flight of stairs and then out a side door. It had to be near three in the morning, so the lawns around the senate were completely deserted.

"I think I figured it out," Hazel said softly.

The older girl turned, her eyebrows raised. "Figured what out?"

"Why you keep helping me." Hazel had been chewing on the theory for months, ever since she learned about Gaea's rise.

Reyna gestured for Hazel to follow her through an alley. "And what did you think you know?"

"You're afraid of me." She said it plainly, like a fact. Reyna's shoulders tensed. Gotcha, Hazel thought.

Reyna held out her hands. "Hazel, I-"

"No I understand why," Hazel said, "I could bring this entire camp crashing to the ground if I wanted to."

Reyna swallowed. "I know." She finally met Hazel's gaze. "You're the most powerful demigod I've ever encountered, and yes, that includes Jason Grace, your brother, and Percy Jackson. I don't want you as my enemy."

"I could crush you right now if I wanted to. No one would know." Hazel couldn't deny the small rush of power it gave her to make her praetor uncomfortable.

Reyna stepped backwards. "I know that too. But you won't, will you? Because you know I'm the best chance at stopping this war."

Hazel stepped forward. "I'm not convinced you are."

"I don't want this war, Hazel! But Jason's whipped the legion into a war frenzy. And on top of all this we have to fight Gaea too, a super powerful primordial goddess who we can't possibly have any hope of defeating." Reyna's shoulders slumped. "I'm doing the best I can."

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