Chapter 17

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Third Person pov.

Every student has gathered in the Auditorium Room of Bablys for the last event of the Battler Party.

"It is time for the awards ceremony for the excellent division," A student council member said on the stage.

"And the person who will perform the awards ceremony is our president!!! Azazel Amelie!!" Amelie went out backstage and waved from the stage, immediately all of the students clapped and cheered.

The council member gave the microphone to Amelie and began to speak.

"Thank you for your efforts. This year's performance is as majestic and boisterous as usual, I feel very happy!" Every student present in the auditorium clapped and cheered for Amelie's name.

"Then we will move on to awards as soon as possible. First of all, the third place, "Great Effort Award" goes to the Succubus Division!" Everyone cheered and the Succubus division went on stage to receive their award.

"Because of their tremendous exuberance, the atmosphere of the festival has become more lively, and so they have gathered many votes. Their prize is the "Gorgeous Battler Room"!"


"Now the closing ceremony-" The council member was cut off when someone tapped him in the shoulder and the mic was snatched out of his hand.


"Keep Silence," Kallego said and instantly all of the students as well as the teachers grew silent.

"It's already time for the closing ceremony... But I have something to inform." The students then began whispering about the words Kallego said.

"This year, Battler party has been more troublesome than previous ones including... There's one division, that never reported anything to the teachers... And voluntarily performed a dangerous and showy demonstration"

"That must be your division Iruma... hahaha," Ryuka said who is now sitting in a wheelchair since she used too much power that her body can't handle.

'But why don't you get any rewards master? You practically sacrifice your life to get everyone to safety, and look where it's gotten you to...'  

Mastema said in Ryuka's head in which she only laughed at.

'I don't need any rewards Mastema, as long as I helped everyone I care about is safe, then that much is a reward for me...'

"But, how about you Ryuka-san?? You practically saved all of us..." Astoria said holding on to the back of the wheelchair Ryuka was on.

"It's alright, as long as everyone is safe then that's fine," Ryuka said smiling at Astoria.

"This is a case that must be punished... But they have overwhelming support in the school regardless of whether they violate battler party's policies." Kallego said continuing his speech.

"So... The result of teachers' discussion is... Creating a new prize..." Suzy then began writing something on the blackboard and turned it around so all of the people present will read it.

"Tricky Prize, division representative's rank is promoted by one." 

All of the students began oohing and looking around.

"Everyone, just laugh in their face for taking this prize, walk onto the stage now. Magical Tools Research Division."

"Go on Iruma... Shady-sensei is calling for you" Ryuka said while clapping for her brother.

Iruma began walking towards the stage and every student began clapping.

"Iruma... I give you... Rank Gimel [3]"

Everyone started clapping and praising Iruma.

"Now, before we truly finish... every school staff decided to promote one person to rank Gimel [3] as well"

"That must be you then Ryuka-san!" Astoria said while clapping and smiling at Ryuka.

'About time!! My master deserves a raise after all!'

"Since... the maze was a bit unexpected in the students part. And was decided last minute, this person made sure that everyone was in the central courtyard and was safe and sound..."

Students began looking around to see who is the person Kallego was mentioning and at that moment, the teachers went to the stage and stand behind Kallego. Sullivan then went beside Kalllego and mentioned for him to continue.

"This person made sure that every student and guardian was safe while the batora party was commencing, she acted as the "Acting Chair-Demon" when the chair-demon was to attend an important meeting... Ryuka Suzuki, get up on stage"

Astoria began pushing Ryuka's wheelchair to the stage and with some help from the teachers, Ryuka was on the stage facing both Kallego and her grandfather.

Students were cheering and clapping for her.

"Ryuka was the one who sent those teachers for the students who are still stuck in the maze?"

"Not to mention she also made sure everyone was safe!"


"Why is she in a wheelchair?"

"Is she alright?"

"Ryuka, I give you Rank Gimel[3] for making sure that everyone was safe and for being the "Acting Chair-Demon" in your grandfather's place, every teacher and staff decided for you to be promoted along with your twin to rank Gimel [3]"

"Congratulations on your promotions Ryuka-chan! Iruma-kun! Oji-chan feels so proud of both of you! Especially you Ryuka-chan, on my behalf, thank you for protecting the students, your classmates, upperclassmen, and underclassmen. I know that letting Kallego pick you as the acting chair demon was a good idea... He was actually the one who choose you..."

'I guess this demon fancies you, master...Like how you fancy him as well but continuously denying it...HAHAHA'

'Shut it, Mastema... I do not FANCY my own teacher...'

'Sure, that's what they all say...hehehe'

"Both of you looked so cool when you were on the stage. Back then, you didn't like to stand out like this!"

"Eh, that's... stand out..." Iruma said now starting to get what Sullivan had said.

"Oh well, I started to not mind... we've always been the center of attention..." Ryuka commented while shaking her head and sighing.

"Newspaper division here! Please let us take your pictures!"

Soon many people came running towards the twins asking for pictures and interviews. Well, mainly the newspaper division.

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