The Story.

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Avery, a 17 year old cancer patient has been battling with cancer for years with her best friend Carlie, and this is the story of her life.

Three years earlier while Avery was 14 she got told the news she had cancer, and it tore her and her family apart to the point where the only person she had left was her best friend. She grew into a state of depression quickly and barely had any time out of the hospital until she got admitted again. This happened for prarically the whole first year straight, and when the second year roled around, she was out more often.

Every day for the first year, Carlie went in and visited her, if she was allowed to. Every day she could see Avery, made her feel a bit better about her situation.

Avery's lungs are filled and she had a tumor growing inside of her head and she got told she only would have one year to live, two tops, but she survived three. Three whole years with battling this deadly disease of which thousands and thousands get their life taken from by. She shocked the doctors by living, but Carlie always knew she was a strong fighter.

Carlie and Avery have been best friends every since their pre-k years and never had any type of break up and only had one major fight and that was in the fifth grade when Carlie started hanging out with some guy more than she did with Avery, but the problem got solved and they were the bestest of friends since then with only a few mini fights throughout the years. Their relationship has never weakened and only grew stronger, just like Avery with her cancer.

When Carlie found out Avery had cancer, she was devastated, even more than Avery's own family was, she cried for hours alongside with Avery with the fear that they were going to loose each other. They were truely, deeply scared of ever being separated since their lives have grown around each other, and the day Avery goes, Carlie with have huge gap missing from her life, and she never wanted that piece gone.

Avery's lungs became the way they were about a year before she was diagnosed with cancer and the tumor and it scared her, she didn't know what was going to happen.

Carlie and Avery were scared every single day that it would be Avery's last and one would be ripped from the other one in a cruel way. They never wanted this to happen. Never wanted to lose the other, but they were going to soon, and no matter how hard they try, they can't stop it.

So this is the start, I know it sucks, but if you keep reading I promise it will get better, and I never break a promise.
It is only going to have one more chapter.

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