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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the titles and songs mentioned in the story. Full credits go to Rick Riordan and the authors and singers. Any resemblance to real life is strictly casual I do not know a lot about American school and University system, I had researched it a bit for the fanfic, but not in depth: if you read something that is not correct about it, please let me know!

Note: English is not my first language, and this is just a story that I randomly start writing in English because I just felt like it. Please do comment in case you see any error. I do like some criticism and feedback.


I want to drive away with you / I want your complications too / I want your dreary Mondays / Wrap your arms around me, baby – Paper Rings, Taylor Swift

The moon is high / like your friends were the night that we first met

On New Year's Eve, Percy got to kiss Annabeth again. It was not as if he was trying too much; it was very casual. Obviously, all the mistletoe he had placed around had helped. Annabeth knew about it. She was smart like that, she could have never missed that detail, and there was no reason for anyone but Percy to hang them.

She had kissed him strong and happily and wished him a good year.

And the year started well, alright.

Percy, Jason and the band presented all their work and projects to the different agencies Annabeth had applied for them to. They got called back by many of them. The Demibloods' popularity grew and grew and grew to the point that they couldn't perform at Hermes' Hut anymore because there were too many people inside and nobody could breathe. Annabeth had spent at least three concerts in the span of a month squished between super excited girls and tough-looking guys. She had talked with a few people and gave them CDs and the band's merch for free in exchange for feedback on their music and their honest opinion.

Everybody loved them.

It wasn't a surprise to anyone but the band itself when their music started playing on the radio. From their very first single, Everybody Hates Me But The Horse, passing by all their music (Chocolate Chips Cookies In Blue, Piccola Stella, Welcome To The War, even The Hunter) to their latest music and their most recent single Romans! (for which they recorded the strangest music video Annabeth had seen. She had absolutely no idea how they could have come up with a Capture the Flag concept that was so... violent).

Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet / Now I read all the books beside your bed

Percy had tried to find the courage to ask Annabeth if they were dating on more than one occasion, really. He had talked to Jason, trying to master the perfect tactic to ask her if their Saturdays hangs were just a bit different for her too.

In the end, he sort of gave up. Really. It was impossible. He had no idea how to ask out the girl he was absolutely in love with and for which he had written so many love songs it was... too sugary even for him. He was sure they were dating, but Annabeth confused him sometimes.

His mother had told him he was trying too much, but he just wanted to make everything work for her.

He was shocked, really, when Annabeth took care of everything.

"I was thinking," she said while dipping her fry into ketchup. She always dipped it long enough for the fry not to get soggy. Even something like that mesmerised Percy. Annabeth's entire existence was a wonder to him. "maybe we could... mh, give another name to these hangs," she suggested, casually.

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