Falling: chapter two[:

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I dedicated this to the first person to comment(:

[she's also one of my bestfriends,,,,does that still count?xD]


After my conversation with Liam, I went back outside to bid a goodbye to my parents.

"Love you." I told them both, as, first, Mom hugged me, and then Dad."We love you too, miele." Mom told me, smiling sadly, while her eyes shined with those mom kind of tears."Course we do, Buddy." Dad added, patting my hand.

I nodded, holding back the tears that were lightly stinging my eyes.Instead, I smiled.

Liam's mom, -Karin, was it?- [a/n: I really did forget her name xD] met my gaze, her lips turned up, and she looked at me with kindness.Still, in that moment, I felt like such a child.

I tugged on my top, feeling under-dressed now, as this woman was clothed in silk and expensive fabrics.This woman, I thought, my mother-in-law.

But I mirrored her grin nonetheless.

I turned after a moment to see Mom and Dad off.I gave them each one final hug and kiss before they descended down the driveway, to their awaiting car.Through the window, my mother waved at me.I returned the gesture, shaking my arm back and forth until the dark-colored car was out of sight.

"Well, dear," Karin said softly, and I turned back to face her."I should be on my way, now.It was a pleasure to meet you, though.I'll be back tomorrow afternoon,"

I nodded and tried my best to smile, but then her sentence sunk in."Wait," I murmured.She looked at me, stopping, as she had begun to walk down the porch steps."I'm sorry...I don't think I heard correctly.You're...not staying in this house?" I questioned, confused.

Karin laughed lightly."Oh, no, darling.Liam will be here, though.And our home isn't too far.We were hoping you'd come meet my husband tomorrow, if you'd like."

I shook off my startled expression, and nodded again."Oh, of course...Well, I'll see you tomorrow then." I pivoted, walking inside, and Liam's mom continued down the steps."See you!" she called in return.

Sighing, I walked back up to my room to find Liam.He was lying on the carpeted floor, asleep.

I smiled to myself, he looked so...adorable.I sat, cross-legged, next to him, and lightly touched his face.He stirred, but remained dreaming.

"Ho voglia di baciarti." I breathed, and then stood abruptly, shocked by my sudden thought.

Why had I just said that?

"What does that mean?" Liam asked, sitting up.I met his gaze, a little wary.I thought he had been sleeping."Um," I mumbled, embarrassed, "nothing."

He eyed me skeptically.

"Just thinking aloud." I quickly assured, shrugging as if it were nothing."Okay..." Liam allowed, walking over to my side."So...what should we do now?"

The sudden proximity made me flush."Well, there's not much...we won't have cable or anything for a while...we could talk." I suggested, unsure if he would laugh.I knew guys who would do a lot less talking and a lot more...nevermind.

"Sure." Liam agreed, beaming."I'd like to get to know my bride better."

I laughed lightly, surprised at his casual use of the word.Then again, that was silly.He'd been through this countless times before.

The two of us sat back down, directly across from each other, our knees touching slightly.

"Favorite color?" Liam fired off.


"Black." He replied, grinning.

"Favorite sport?" I challenged."Lacrosse."

"Me too!" I laughed, smiling.

"Favorite book?"

And so it went like that for a long while.We talked for hours on end, and I took little note to when the blinding afternoon sun became dimmer and dimmer, until Liam suddenly stopped the interrogation.

"Want to watch the sun set?" he suggested, smiling widely at the sight outside the window."Absolutely," I breathed, shooting him a grin.I stood, and walked to the balcony.But before I could reach out and open the doors, Liam grabbed my hands and spun me around to face him."Follow me." he said, pulling me out the bedroom door.

"Like I have a choice," I retorted, sarcastic, and eyed his grip on my wrist meaningfully.He laughed quietly."Whatever."

Liam ran down the winding staircase and out the front door, pulling me all the way.He beamed at me, and released my hand as he lied back on the lawn.I followed suit, and we were just a little too close.I had the urge to scoot away slightly, but something about the circumstances made me stay where I was.

We watched as the sun slowly but surely set on the horizon, turning the bright blue sky sugary shades of orange and pink.

At one point, Liam turned his face away from the happy sight before us, to look at me.I didn't meet his eyes, fearing what I'd do if I did.When he didn't look away, I felt more and more like a bird locked in the gaze of a snake, predator versus prey.

The two of us layed there for hours, looking at the sky -dimming with each passing minute-, at each other, not talking, just looking.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2011 ⏰

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