I let you go.

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I let you go.

I let nights of constant turning in my bed go.

I let the excessive reading to feel like I can escape the world go.

I let crying and feeling hopless go.

I let over thinking go.

I let surprising mood changes go.

I let the negative thought go.

I let you go, stress.

I let you go, sadness.

I will not go down.

I won't let negative thoughts affect me.

I was lost, but i'm back.

I am free.

I will be content with myself.

I allow myself to take a breath and take it easy.

I won't allow stress and sadness take over me again.

I'm stronger than the darkness that tries to overcome me.


Hope you guys like it, haven't updated in 2 years but here it is. Enjoy!

Book that i'm obsessed with : My Happily Never After by @LikkleAngel

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