In Between Chapter 2

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HELLOOOOO there my lovely people

Terribly, terribly, terribly sorry it took so long to upload. I was going to post last week, but my computer went spazzoid and deleted 1,000 of my words for this chapter, and it took a while to re-write them. BUT this chapter is longer than I meant for it to be, so that's good, right?


love me anyways?


After my free period, it was lunch time, but I had to go talk to Ms. Scope about my missed test, so Pen and I had to part ways. After lunch we both had foreign language next; the difference is that while she went to German, I headed off to Chinese. Chinese is, hands down, the hardest of my classes. In the first two weeks at the beginning of the year, six people dropped out, leaving only five of us in the class. You really had to have a passion for it if you wanted to take that class. I had been taking Chinese classes since I was in the 7th grade, so there was no way I was just going to waste all that time by quitting.  I wanted to learn Chinese, so I was damned well going to learn Chinese.  In plunked myself down in my seat and pulled my binder out of my messenger bag. One of my other friends, Illysa, came in a minute later and sat down next to me.

"How long did that homework take you?"She asked as she pulled out aforementioned homework, "Thirty sentences to unscramble? Really?  It took me nearly two hours."

"Same here," I said, and then I was distracted as Gillian entered the room and sat on the other side of me. She offered me nothing but a nasty sneer, when usually I at least got a smile. Dominic came slouching in after her. He gave Gillian a brief look of hurt before sitting down next to Illysa. Gillian acted like he wasn't even there. I felt a flash of anger; after all their time together, she just acts like he doesn't even exist? Now, that's just cold. Dom laid his head on the table and faced the opposite direction Gillian was in. She turned to me and said: "So, can you believe Dominic?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He broke up with me! I mean, it's not like I did anything wrong."

"Gill, you kind of cheated on him. And then he caught you. That's something wrong."

"Whatever," she said, and then turned to Trina as she walked in, clearly not satisfied with my answer. Did she want me to pity her? She had brought this on herself. The only person I felt concern for in this situation was Dominic.

As soon as he was sure she was not looking at him, Dom turned his head and stared at Gillian, looking like a sad, lost little puppy, which is a total cliché, but I promise that's exactly what he looked like in that moment. My heart squeezed and I felt awful for him; a kind of pity. I didn't want to have to see anyone hurt like that, and Dominic was a great guy, so that made it twice as hard to see. I have never like seeing people in any kind of emotional pain. This was killing me.

I wanted nothing more than to take away his pain. But I didn't know what to do. I wasn't used to dealing with this sort of thing.

Illysa leaned over a whispered something in his ear, and he smiled briefly, although it was rather a bitter smile.

"Did you hear about Dom and Gil?" Illysa whispered into my ear when Dom turned away from her.

"I'm pretty sure everyone heard. I feel so awful for poor Dom. He loved her so much, and now look at them." We both just stared at him for a moment, but then the bell rang and Mrs. Ming came sweeping into the classroom.

She went up to her podium at the front of the room and plugged her laptop into the SmartBoard.

"Shang ke le (class begins.) Please take out your homework from last class," she said, and then there was a brief rustle of the shuffling of papers, and then everyone faced the front of the room again.

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