Part 4

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The bus ground to a halt once more; a woman stepped on and went to get a ticket from the driver, while a cute little girl stood next to her gaping at the man sat next to me.

"Mommy!" She shook her mother's arm.

"Excuse me," She said to the driver and shushed her daughter. "So I want 2 tickets to-"


"Not now, Veronica."

What a name. Poor child.

She let go of her mum's arm and took a step closer to our seat, her eyes widened.

My mouth opened and I started muttering inaudibly, I had no control, I could not stop myself, my lips were moving but what was I saying?

What was happening to me!?

The little girl was closer now, and the closer she got, the the more I was whispering.

I could hear myself now, the words ringing loud and clear:

"No please don't. Please."

"Please don't what?" The man stared at me confused.

You're asking me?

The little girl couldn't take her eyes off him.

Then I knew what was going to happen next, the image popped up in my head seconds before it happened.

She opened her tiny mouth and screamed.

My whole head was rapidly going numb.

The feeling crept down to my forehead, and then my hearing started to fade, the girl's screeching muted.

Her lips were moving but, like mine before, I could hear no sound.

And then the ringing started.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2011 ⏰

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