Day 3 - Of Jealousy and Love

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Namtarn was there, when Arthit coughed his first petal. It had been a day out with both Kongpob and Namtarn, as they hit one of their usual café spots. Arthit had gone to get the drinks for all of them and when he turned around to see the two jovially chatting away, he felt a piercing pain in the chest as he coughed.

Amongst the fit of his coughing, an ambrosia petal left his mouth and floated softly to the ground. This did not go unnoticed to both Kongpob and Namtarn, who rushed to his side and Arthit could see the pain reflected in their eyes. Pain on his behalf.

Namtarn was also there, when four of them had gone on an outing to the beach. Jay had begged Arthit to take him along and he simply had no idea how to reject him. Namtarn had seemed more than willing to have an extra addition to their group and Kongpob as usual, was quiet and nonchalant about everything.

Kongpob and Jay had both grabbed Namtarn by the arms and legs respectively the minute they reached the beach, no thanks to Jay's instigation. Namtarn screamed and flailed as they dunked her into the water, clinging onto Kongpob like a life buoy as she tried to get away from Jay's constant water splashing.

As Arthit stayed on the shore snapping photos of the 3 in the sea, another round of painful coughing started as he collapsed to his knees. A mess of petals hit the sea, filling the sea with the bright yellow. Kongpob was the first to notice the petals floating towards them, as he scrambled to rush to Arthit's side. A little blood trickled down the side of his mouth as he struggled to breathe.

Namtarn was yet again there, when they had gone yet once again on a group outing to the amusement park. She had her hands wound tightly around Kongpob's arms as she insisted that 'she needed the braver of the two to be her pillar of strength' as they stepped in line to the roller coaster ride.

They had just secured the pair into the seats of the ride when Arthit was hit with another bout of coughing. Kongpob had tried to yell at the stunned attendants into releasing him but it was too late. The ride had taken off, leaving Arthit behind in the hands of panicked staff, as they brought him to the side away from the other park goers. But Kongpob saw the mess of blood and petals on the floor, before the staff could hose the ground down in time. And for the first time in his life, he cried on a roller coaster ride instead of screaming.

The two of them had rushed right to the sick bay where Arthit sat on the bed, dangling his feet as he gave them a small smile. Kongpob had pulled him in for a trembling hug while Namtarn held his hand. All three of them could tell - the frequency of Arthit's petals were getting closer and closer.

And that was how Arthit came to the conclusion one day as he pulled Kongpob aside to talk to him when they were hanging out in Kongpob's house.

"I think it's Namtarn." Arthit confessed.

Kongpob's eyes widened in shock as he stared gaping at the boy in front of him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." He nodded as he gazed at the long haired girl's back view.

"Arthit, if you get it wrong and she says no, you'll.." Kongpob couldn't finish his words. Tears welled in his eyes and he had to escape to the bathroom before Arthit could say another word. They never brought the topic up again.

Namtarn however, was also there, the day Jay confessed in front of Arthit - to her. She had accepted gleefully, jumping into the arms of her now boyfriend. And although Arthit was in shock, the petals never came.

So Arthit went back to the drawing board, wondering how he could have mistaken all the signs of love and jealousy. Namtarn had been there, every single time. In fact, most of the time it was just him, Namtarn..

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