「HEADCANON」 Alois Trancy

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•Ever since you lived in that dreadful village, he never let you out of his sight

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•Ever since you lived in that dreadful village, he never let you out of his sight.

•Since you're his only other remaining sibling it only makes sense his a bit overprotective.

•He orders Claude to keep a close eye on you when he can't.

•Even though he gave Claude the order, he can't help but get jealous that the demon is spending more time with you than he is.

• "Claude I take that order back! I'll watch them while you make us tea!"

•Alois hates it when you call him by his real name.

•When your bored he'll offer you to play a game a tag, like the two of you used to play when you were younger.

•Even though you're only a year younger than him he treats you like a toddler.

•Always talking down to you and never honest.

•He says it's for your own good but you suspect it's to hold what little memory of childhood he has left.

•Hates it when literally anyone else in the house gives you attention.

• "Hannah you seem to be a bit close with Y/n"

• "I was just preparing their bath, master"

•Would rather sleep together with you than alone.

•Personally picks out your outfits

A/n: I was gonna make this a scenario but I got lazy

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