Chapter 16

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Reverend Tracy Cruz' hand froze as she came across the last piece of mail. Paper mail was rare except at this time of year, when some people still sent old-fashioned paper holiday cards to each other. Yet this piece of mail was no holiday card. It was a letter from Sparkwise Energy. "Speaking of the Devil," she said aloud. Sparkwise had come from nothing a year ago to now be the largest energy company in the nation. It was front page news everywhere, because it was being investigated by just about every government body in the world for various acts of corruption and market manipulation.

She shrugged and tore open the envelope to retrieve the letter.

Dear Reverend Doctor Lawson,

Cruz shook her head at the fact that Sparkwise had not updated its database since she had taken over the church from Doc Lawson. Then she continued reading.

Enclosed, please find a small Christmas donation to your church. Se hope that you will remind your congregation that they are held in the highest esteem by their friends at Sparkwise Energy.

Cruz nearly swore out loud when she saw the amount printed on the check at the bottom of the letter. It was enough to support the National Unity Church's activities for months.

She felt her face reddening, and the letter trembled in her hands. She sat like that for a long time. Eventually, she heard Ricardo calling through the doorway that led to the altar. "Honey, the worshippers are here waiting for your sermon."

"Sorry, I was just finalizing the text. I'll be there in a second."

Cruz had planned to give her congregation another of her impotent exhortations to keep their faith in the face of material hardship. Now, as she sat holding the letter from Sparkwise, she realized she had a better sermon to give.

She pulled open the drawer in Doc's old desk and rummaged around his old belongings until she'd found what she was looking for. She thrust the item inside her vestments and headed out of the small office to the altar, where her small congregation was waiting for her.

As always, Ricardo was standing in the back, recording her sermon. He would post it online for those congregants who were too unwell - or too deep in despair - to attend the service. He smiled reassuringly at her, and she felt her sense of agitation harden into resolve.

She stood at the podium and waited until she had the crowd's full attention. "Brothers and Sisters, today our church has received a large donation."

She held up the letter from Sparkwise, check still attached, for all to see.

"But I intend to give it back." She stated.

"Give it back?" gasped an elderly lady called old Ma Watson from the back of the church.

Cruz saw Ricardo looking up from his camera, concern on his features. He will understand, she reassured herself, and continued speaking.

"The donation is from Sparkwise Energy. I don't know why the misguided souls who run this parasitic corporation would extend their largess to our humble congregation. Surely they have taken so much from our community, and other communities all around the nation, that it causes them no inconvenience to offer us this gift."

And now she reached into her vestments and pulled out the item she had found in Doc's desk.

"We will not accept such false charity from the like of the Aeons. No. We will accept nothing from them at all."

She flicked the wheel of Doc's old lighter and a flame burst to life. She raised her voice. "Jesus Christ said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. I believe we must also render unto Satan what is Satan's."

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