Chapter 2: Johnny Johnnys conflict

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This is set before Danny found billion suprise toys.

"YEET!" said Johnny as he thew a ball at his sister. oop he said as it hit her in face". "Johnny I hate you!" said Dolly as she ran away to cry like a little babie. Johnny felt a tiny bit bad but kept playing. Suddenly his papa came out of the house.

"Johnny Johnny."

"Yes Papa?"

"Throwing balls at your sister?"

"No papa"

"Telling lies"

"No papa"

"Open your hands"


Johnny dropped the ball from his hands and said "sory paper"

Papa nodded and went back inside calling, "Refridgerator, Refrigerator!"

Johnny felt conflicted. He was mad at his papa but loved him so much he didn't want to be a bad boy anymore. so johnny just decided t forget about ti and not think. Johnny put on swaeg sunglasses and got on his bike and rode aroudn the backyard.

An hour lator papa was going to work. "Bye papa" johnny and dolly siad. "bye" papa said waving. dolly went back insid and johnny followed. johnny wnated some greenish pista ice cream so he went and got soem from the creepy ice cream selling baby ice creams.

"johnny u suck," said Dolly, "papa said o greenish pista," "well mother didn't" said johnny laughing liek this: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

"Actually she did," dolly said laughing like this: HHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE"

"you're creepy," said johnny, btu he left her and got a grenish pista. grenish pista ice crem for life. it tatse like a swagness.

Suddenly papa was home, wow he didn't work long maybe he lied, idk.

"Johnny Johnny"

"Yes papa"

"Eating delisous and amazing and swag greenish pista ice cream?"

"No papa"

"Tellig lies,"

"o papa,"

"Opening your mouth,"

"Ha Ha Ha."

Johnny flet ashamed so he cried.

"Crap," papa said and hugged johnny, he didn't want to seem liek a bad dad to billion suprise toy fans. "sorry johnny johnny," "its ok," johnny said. 

that was te ned of the Conflict. 

Next chapter will be how Danny fpund bst.

#swag #thuglife

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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