Chapter 1: The President of Gamma - [Herbert]

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Everything had changed. From single-celled organisms to huge living organisms. The capacity of the human in using his mind has increased. There are those who can use 50% of their brain, others 32%, and a few 15%. These people are called Priva-people who have undergone evolution.

People who can use half of their brain obtained powers. Different kinds of powers-from the powers you always see in movies, to the powers you didn't know would exist. On the other hand, people who can use 32% of their mind don't have any powers but have extraordinary intelligence.

Lastly, the people who can use 15% of the brain, have neither of the two. Powers nor intelligence. They are normal. Ordinary...

My name is Herbert Escots. And I am with those who have superpowers. Actually, I don't want powers. What I want is intelligence. Because I believe with the saying, "knowing everything brings no mistake in every move." And I guess Beta people-people with high Intelligent Quotient-are more useful than us, Alpha people. Beta people do all the plannings. Alpha people are the ones who do the move. In short, the Beta people are the bosses and the Alpha people are the slaves. But in the Priva Community, everything is different to what I always think.

Gamma people-people with neither powers nor intelligence-are the ones who rule us. Not actually rule, but they are the ones who are in a high rank and the remaining Priva are the citizens.

A siren wails, distracting me from my deep thought. Soon, it stopped and I see two Alpha Officers, obviously because they both have black hair, come out of their police hovercraft.

"Are you Mr. Escots?" Asks one officer. Spikes. I read his tag.

I nod. "Yes, that's my name. What's the matter?"

"The Priva Committee wants to meet you," the other officer, with crooked nose and pale-ish lips, said nonchalantly.

"Look, I know I always destroy stuff, but believe me. Yesterday was accident."

"We didn't come here for that incident," Mr. Spikes said.

"And if we are to arrest you now, that'll be of no sense since you can always get out of the reeducation room legally," the other officer added, an angry look flashing in his face.

That's another thing I hate. Being a son of one of the high ranking officials in our community. People thinks that I use my bloodline to serve as a free ticket to get out of the reeducation room.

I don't know what to tell them. Sorry for being a son of the General? Sorry for being a kid? As if the they hear my thoughts, the officers reply.

"We do not want apologies from you mister. We just want you to come with us to the Committee."

I think for a minute. If I go with them, I'm not sure if what they're telling me is true or not. But if it's a lie, they're gonna break the greatest rule the Committee had made. But if I don't go with them, then I'll be the one who'll be breaking another rule.

I decided to go with them. In that way, I know nobody would break any rule. I put my head down as I go inside the hovercraft beside Mr. Spikes.

I contact Ether using my telepathy.

Alpha officers had just greeted me and got me riding in their car to meet the almighty Committee.

A long pause. Sorry. I'm experimenting on something. What did you say?

I growl at Ether telepathically. Why does she always do that? Whenever I need her intelligence, that's when she never shows up. Or listen carefully. But when I don't need her, that's when she go talk and talk and talk and talk...

Mr. Spikes look at me with disgust. The look on his face sends me a signal that he needs an explanation. So I rub the back of my head, pretending I hit something. "My head. Ow."

"Careful, kid," the other officer said.

"Sorry." I pause. "I'm just thinking... do my father know everything about this? About what and why the Committee wants to see me?"

Mr. Spikes and the other officer look at each other at the same time. Soon, Mr. Spikes shake his head.

"No, your father don't know about this. And no one does. Even us. I suppose the committee's action must be in secret."

Secret. Why would the Committee hide something to his people? And if it's a secret, then I must know what that is. I must be a hero. That's what my surname means-Hero.

"But my father is a ranking officer. He is next to their position. Why don't they trust him?"

"Like what I said, secret. And the committee does not want anyone to be in hold of the- what do we know?-information."

I think for a second but decided to not brag about it anymore. I didn't talk anything after that and along the ride. Nobody does. When we reach the Committee building, Mr. Spikes hold my arm.

"Refuse if you have to. Never agree. Never say yes. Never approve. Say no if you must."

I turn my head. "Why would I do that?"

"Just do it."

"The Committee is already waiting for you, Mr. Escots. Go," the other officer said.

My mind goes groggy for a moment. Is he giving me a warning? And why would his partner stop him from giving me warning? Is something going on?

I go out of the hovercraft. Though they are behind me, I can hear Mr. Smith's partner glaring at him. I try to look back but the hovercraft is already gone.

I keep my pace and walk towards the building. It is my first time to be here and I must admit, the structure here is very stunning. From the choice of rock to the design of the building. If Ether is here, I'm sure she would be jealous to the creator of this-what does she call it?-edifice.


A voice beamed in my mind, deafening me from everything else.

Ether. What the hell?!

You left your telepathy open.

I do? Of course I do. I want you to know what's happening inside the car.

Oh, was not paying attention. What happened?

Nothing, I croak, giving her a sarcastic tone in my voice. What's up with you?

You would not believe what I had just discovered. I am searching for new weird diseases-

"Mr. Herbert Escots?" A voice echoed in the hall in such a manly tone.

I urgently turn around. The man's hair got my attention-brown. He's a Gamma.

Wha-who is it?

Let's talk later.

"Sir?" I say as he approach.

"My name is Neural Zero. New commander-in-chief of the Alpha and Beta, President of the Gamma." He pauses for a bit, enough to let what he's just said sink into my knowledge.

"The committee... they..."

"Yes, they decided to have one commander-in-chief to both Alpha and Beta."


"Let's talk about this in my office. I've been waiting for you since and I have a lot to discuss with you," he said and turn around. "Follow me."

If he's the new commander-in-chief on both Alpha and Beta, then what happened to the now-former commander-in-chief of Alpha and Beta? And my father... he's the commander-in-chief of Alpha.


[A/N: This story is unedited. I know I have a bad english there, because English is not actually my first language. But I'll promise you to make this story good for the succeeding chapters. Much good. Better, I meant. Please don't give up on this. Thank you! Happy reading! (Though I doubt you're feeling happy for reading this. But hey, I will make you enjoy reading this for the next chapters! I really really promise! xoxo).]

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