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I was right when I said Erina was gonna get better before me. I sat alone in the room, flipping the channels, doing workouts, I dosed off a few times, too. I took my pain pills and was gonna have room service, but Erina walked in.
"You're already done? Impressive."
She smirked.
"Thank you." She sat a plate in front of me. The smell was amazing, the look was divine.
"Its a good thing I didn't get room service." I put my hands together as I said a prayer to myself, before I grabbed my fork and to a bite.


"My word... This is... Wow. Best thing I've ever ate."

I stared at Ydobon.
Guess he not enthusiastic with food like everyone else?
"But of course. Just don't expect me to serve you every meal. I'm not a maid."
"Don't worry, princess, I don't expect it." He smirked before he continued eating. I grabbed a towel and a robe before heading to the spa/bathing area. I'm the first and only one finished so, I'll have it all to myself.

I can't believe that Soma finished before me. A calming bath might help.  I went by the room and no one was there.
"I guess Erina in still bathing, but where's Mr. Emos? He's suppose to be resting." I grabbed a robe and towel out of the closet. I heard the door open and close.
"That's probably Miss Erin...ah?!"

"They're probably gonna scold me but I needed to get out of that room and a bath sounded great." I walked down the hall with my robe on and towel on head. I opened the door to my, well, our room and shut the door.
"Better get dressed before they get back." I dropped my robe and finished drying my hair as I walked to the closet. They got someone to bring my clothes out of my old room since I'm more or less staying here. I walked towards the, open? Open closet? Suddenly, Hisako walked out, and her face glowed a bright red as she let out a small scream. She closed her eyes and ran outside with a robe and towel in hand. I could feel that I too was blushing a lot, too.
"I guess I should've made sure no one was in before i tried changing..." I got dressed and got back to bed cause I was starting to feel light headed again. I guess I was moving around too much. I need to be careful or the girls might bite my head off, or i could end up in the E. R.

"Oh my God. I can't believe what I seen..." I said, trying to block the image of what just happen from my brain. I rushed to soak with my beloved Erina, only to see Erina on the ground, and Soma standing over her.

After a little, encounter, I headed to the dorm.
"I wonder if Ydobon is awake."
Wait?! Why am I caring so much?!
I was quickly taken from my thoughts when i walked in and seen him doing sit-ups. I paused, cause my eyes were fixed on his muscles...
I bet he could tenderize meat just by punching it... AH?! Stop that! Bad Erina!!!
"Huh? Oh, hey there, Princess. Enjoy your bath?" Ydobon asked me, smiled.
"Uh. Y-yeah. It was alright." I walked over.
"Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"Come on, Princess. I can't stay put for that long of a time, even if I'm feeling dizzy."
"Uh... Well, guess lying's out of the bag."
"Ok, ok. At least let me finish my sit-ups."
I sighed.
"Even if I said no, you'd find a way to do it anyway. Go on. I'm gonna change into my blouse." I grabbed my blouse from the closet, and walked into the bathroom to change. When I came out, he was trying to do push-ups. He got to 3 before I stopped him.
"You idiot. You're suppose to take it easy with your arm. You know what the Doctor said."

Wow. Does she actually care? Didn't think Miss God Tongue was the caring type... Unless it's with Hisako, of course.
"What's with that look? I will hit you again." She threatened.
Remembering the hit to the had, while still having a recovering injury, I found it best to suck it up and get back in bed.
"Alright, Princess. You win."
After that was over, Hisako came in minutes later and they told me about the 100 dishes they made. We then talked about dishes and sauces and other recipes. Erina laughed and said tho a few of my sauces sounded alright, I needed to try new things and new styles and flavors. Her and Hisako would test my skills when I'm able to get back to bodyguarding and they have the time.

-a nearly a month later-

Finally! I'm able to do push-ups without much pain... Okay. Yes it hurts but I'm use to it so I know how much I should and shouldn't do. Also, I met Erina's cousin, Alice. She was more equipment based when she cooked. She had everything new in the cooking department and knew how to use them. She had a friend around her a lot too. I he didn't say much, though. Hisako has still been making me eat her herb and medicinal dishes. She's adorable. They both worry about me and I keep telling them I'll be fine as long as I don't take another blow to the head.
Still, all of this is my fault. I let my guard down and it cost me.

"Ydobon? Hello? Anyone in there?"
Erina was waving her hand in front of me.
"Why are you just staring at us?" She asked, squinting her eyes at me. I blinked a few times and noticed her, Hisako and Alice were all three looking at me.
"I bet he's having certain thoughts in his head." Alice giggled.
"No. I was just lost in thought."
"Well next time, look in a different direction." Erina huffed.
"Are you sure you're okay, Mr. Emos?" Hisako asked.
"Yes, Hisako. I'm alright, but you don't have to call me Mister. Alright?"
She gave a small grin and nodded.

Hisako has been smiling at Ydobon a lot lately. I'm glad They're getting along... Wait. She doesn't... Like him does she? ... No, no. But what if...

"Miss Erina? Is everything alright?" Hisako asked, a look of worry was plainly presented on her face.
"I-I'm ok, Hisako. I..."
"Was lost in thought?" Ydobon smirked. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah. Haha. I did it too."
"Well I should get going." Alice said, smiling as she stood.
"Hey, Erina. Can I speak with you for a minute, before I go?" She waved her over.
"Sure thing." I got up and walked into the hall with her.
"Ok Erina. Which one are you dating cause I can't figure it out."
"You heard me. You and Hisako have always had a thing for each other and now you have this handsome, strong bodyguard and you seem to like him too. So who are you with?"
I was blushing. I really was.
"I-I'm not dating either o-one."
"You're kidding? How? Don't tell me..." She gave a alluring look.
"You wanna get with both of them?"
"Aww. Erina has two lovers. Who would've thought."
"I swear..." I sighed.
"Erina." She hugged me.
"Don't be afraid to tell them how you feel. You can't keep denying it forever. Especially to Hisako. I know you love her." She let go.
"Good night, Erina." She walked away, heading her room I presume. I stood there, thinking of what she said. I sighed, before walking back inside, and...
Hisako was asleep, next to Ydobon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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