Chapter 2

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"You agreed!"

Cassie covered her ears as Kagami yelled at her. "Will you relax? Yeah, I did! I mean not only does it seem kind of fun, I don't know if I'll even get to be a manager at Seirin."

"That's why you came here." Kagami scolded. "And now you're traveling all the way to another school to be their manager?"

Once his yells stopped, Cassie sighed and relaxed. "Look, if things start to get too much, I'll leave and do what I was supposed to. I'll still be able to be a manager at Seirin and everyone wins."

Kagami sighed, Cassie stood up and retrieved her bag.

"Where are you going now?"

"Back to Yosen," she began, "Masako told me to show up for afternoon practice to confirm I wanna be there."

Kagami had no words left. He once more sighed as Cassie began getting a few cookies from the plate she left out on the counter. She was about to leave when Kagami called her name, she stopped and looked at him.

"Good luck."

Feeling a swell of pride at his words, she smiled and nodded. "Thanks! I'll try my best!" Cassie then waved to Kagami before she left out of his apartment and headed for the station once again.

Cassie arrived there quicker than before and was walking to the school. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something out of place in a convenience store. She stopped and there she saw an individual that she could only see the torso of—assuming this was Murasakibara—she leaned over and saw him grabbing family size portions of snacks.

She checked her phone to see the time. "Isn't he supposed to be at practice?" She decided to head into the store and called out to him.

He looked down at her. "Oh, it's you."

"Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" He shrugged. "You are, I wasn't really asking."

"Who cares? I don't feel like going."

"You have to. Not only am I responsible for you, don't you wanna get better?"

He shook his head. "I am good already... I don't have to get "better"." He mocked.

"You could always improve. I haven't seen you play, but I'm sure there's something you're not good at."

Murasakibara shook his head. "Nope. I'm already good at everything."

Cassie huffed. "I can't agree just yet, so how about this?" She took out the container she brought which had more of the cookies she made. Smelling their scent, Murasakibara looked at them and licked his lips. "But you're not getting them until after practice."

"Ha~ why?"

"Because if I give them to you now you'll just head home and I came a long way just to be here, so you're not leaving."

He let out a sigh. "Fine... but I can't even have just one right now?" He attempted to bargain with her.

"Nope. Now come on, buy your food and let's head back to school."


At practice, the other members were already inside of the gym, as usual, the pair of third years returned to visit the now second years they left behind.

Today Kensuke Fukui showed up.

"So Murasakibara isn't here? That's typical of him, but what are you so excited about?" Kensuke asked.

"I look excited?" Himuro said as he held the ball.

"Yeah, normally you don't have that smug look on your face."

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