frat boy @ cth

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"Eat your heart out, love."

fuck me numb,
kiss me stupid,
leave me drunk.


"in life, people have the tendency to make excuses.

my dad would crack open a can of beer and say,

'i had a bad day.'

leaving me to clean up after his temper, cover up the bruises he left.

my ex-boyfriend would guilt me for being easy and if i ever said the 'r' word he would just laugh,

'i was drunk.'

even though it seemed he must've been intoxicated everytime he pinned me down and left me raw,

all twelve times.

since i could remember,

painted on smiles and bullshit were the only thing that come from lips.

i thought that was what i had to accept,

until you came along.

you changed fucking everything,

but in the end it doesn't matter how beautiful you made me feel.

it doesn't matter that you expanded to fill my entirity within a matter of monthes,

or that i'm just some whore who gets too drunk sometimes and says shit i don't mean.

i know the truth Calum,

i always have.

i'm done lying to myself now so we can do one of two things.

either you get the fuck out of my room,

or fuck me until i forget everything.

it's your choice frat boy."



yoooo lovelies it's mama story whore aka the flop that is meeee

i'm back with another calum idea and im so fucking excited you guys dont even

get ready for lots of smut yall but also for this story to tackle stuff like feminism and slut shaming sO yA kNow

also i just hit 1.2 followers wHat eVen im a potato ily all endlessly but lol why

speaking of loveeee this story is dedicated to arcticpeters for the banging cover and being the shadow to my light and horizonharry for being cute as hell and for making lake my otp ily both to pieces x

also special mention to souls like satired , tidalpool , mclahey , hemnesia , AintThatDevine , alitimelow_ , APOLLOSHARP , spookyblack , breakfastclxb , -daddyirwin , dulect , boy-division , ashtoniwrins , horribIe , centuxies , cIifford- , ultralukes , lousers- , memelordmgc , tomlin-fox , lukeycuddles , royalmukes , Haylsey , raybanned , kaleidoscopie , smokable , outsides , therapies , lukeshemmos , outerwebs , falloutirwin , behavioral , acidgrvnge , kingsofmuke , impediment , and others who have helped me get to where i am today and who i'd be nothing without x

vote, comment, share, and all that jazzzzz

-ali x

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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