2087's Cure

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"Sir, sir, sir!? Are you even paying attention to me!?" the woman in front of me yelled, waving her hands in front of my face. Crap, I did it again. I've been spacing out all day and have barely been able to work. Wait, did she just call me sir? Ughhh, it literally says 'they/them' on my name tag.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, and I'm not a sir, I'm non-binary and use they/them pronouns and I would like it if you respected them," I attempt to not growl out, slipping up a bit. It pisses me off when people get my pronouns messed up, but I know that sometimes it is a genuine mistake. I quickly took a deep breath before continuing scanning her groceries, while she just stood there looking slightly awkward and guilty. Ughhh, now I feel bad.

Trying to scan her items as fast as I can, I begin to drift off again. This could very well be my last shift at work, not that I would really miss it, but I would rather work this job 24/7 than become a zombie. Ughhh, that would be horrible, I really hate zombies.

I mean, how could I not, one did kill my sister. She died when I was only fourteen and she was seventeen. It was over a decade ago, and the zombie containment still wasn't up to par and well, one got out.

My sister was working as an intern in the hospital where they were being held and she was the only one that dared to try to get the zombie back in the cage. Thankfully she got it back in the cage, but not before it grabbed her as they shut the door, dragging her in with it. There wasn't even enough left to bury.

I didn't even realize it until the lady in front of me asked with concern, "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

Quickly wiping my face off, I answer in a monotone voice, "Nothing, just thought of something I didn't like." Trying to find a way to get out of this awkward situation, I look around noticing the person who works the next shift walking over to me. Thank god. "It's time for the next shift so my coworker Brian will be assisting you for the rest of the time," I announce trying not to verbally sigh in relief, while pulling Brian over by his collar.

I quickly grab my stuff and dash out of the store, sprinting home as fast as I can. I want to spend as much time as possible with my family before the inevitable comes true. My home isn't too far away, so this shouldn't take very long.

When I get home I have to watch Nero while Keane goes to school. Nero and Keane are my younger brothers, Keane is eighteen and Nero is twelve. I'm worried about what will happen when I have to leave. Keane is very responsible, even more than me, but Nero, Nero is a little hyperactive. He doesn't really like listening to anyone, the only one he occasionally listens to is me, but that is oh so very rare and if Keane tries to parent him he whines about how Keane isn't he oldest and therefore isn't allowed to tell him to do things, which is one of the few things that really pisses Keane off.

Frankly, it's hilarious when that happens, and I might not ever be able to see it again. Wow, that took a dark turn, but it's true. I'm twenty five, which is the usual age when people turn into zombies. Me and my friends are all going tomorrow to get tested, because when someone hasn't been turned into a zombie by the time they turn twenty five they get tested every year until they turn into zombies. They always do the testing in groups to keep everything controlled and this year is the first year that your allowed to pick your groups rather than have it randomized, so now we get to go through a traumatic experience together. Yay. Note the sarcasm.

Oh crap I missed my house, turning around I quickly run back to where I missed my house right inside to see Nero and Kenae yelling, again. Great, this will be fun.

"Why can't I just go hangout with my friends?!" I heard Nero yell at Keane, unnatural amounts of sass laced into his words. Did he forget, or does he just not care?

2087's Cure - DraftTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon