the beginning

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This has been in my mind for a while now and i thought why not post it here on wattpad. Hope ya enjoy!


Narrator POV

They did it. All 48 participants defeated junko. But... she had one final crime to commit before finally dying.

She spreaded a zombie virus that even just a small drop could transform you to a zombie that strives to kill of every human on earth.

The participants. When they all realized that the killings were fake and quickly tried to escape the apocalypes junko created.

They all manage to hide in a basement that was hidden in a rundowned city but 3 of them had to sacrifice themselves for their loved ones and those were Byakuya Togami,Nagito Komaeda and Kokichi ouma. They sacrificed themselves when they saw a group of zombies right behind them and quickly pushed their lovers away as they were caught by the zombie.

Their lovers screamed and tried to run to save them but were held back by their friends saying if you died they died for nothing.

The boyfriends wiped their tears and stood up saying to themselves 'I will survive for the one i love'.



Thanks for reading see ya soon and its short as like a trailer kind of chap

W-What?( Danganronpa Zombie apocalypes AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt