New Friend

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omariana:look at that girl looking lonely

raven:lets go talk to her

they walk over to her

omariana:hi,my names omariana

raven:and im raven

???-my names Christiani

omariana:thats a pretty name

christiani:thank you are you guys sisters??

omariana:no why do you ask?

christiani:you guys look alike but your very pretty

omariana:awww thank you your pretty too

raven:wanna be friends???


raven:i like your braces by the way

christiani:thank you *smiles*

raven:i see a lonely twix

omariana:i lonely twix??? what in the world???


omariana:why are you looking like that??


omariana:hmmmm.......ohhhh TWIX

ariella:YAY!!!! you guys go here

omariana:meet Christiani

ariella:hi,im ariella but they call me twix

christiani:*laughs* its nice to meet you

???-okay class im Mrs.Middleton

class:good morning Mrs.Middleton

mrs.middleton:okay introduce yourselfs

omariana:hi,im Omariana

raven:im Raven

ariella:im Ariella

christiani:im Christiani

???:im Preston

???:my name is Anna-Bella

???:i am Joseph


???:im Jacob




mrs.middleton:okay,class we will just go outside today because its our first day now everyone has an order in line

omariana:are we gonna come back in

mrs.middleton:yes to take a nap


mrs.middleton:katie....preston....omariana....charles....raven....jacob...christiani...roy....ariella...joseph....anna-bella(they will have more students coming) okay lets go

they get outside and start playing

omariana:i think preston is kute

christiani:to me i think jacob is

omariana:they kinda look like my uncle prince

raven:i think its joseph



omariana:hey....nope get another crush

ariella:roy is kinda kute


girls:but charles is ugly

ohhhh they got crushessssss!!!!! shhhhhhhh i wonder if the boys like them hmmmm maybe

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