just a happy ever after

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It wasn't just his dream—it's theirs. Though they've discussed it over empty bottles of alcohol, it was an honest and vulnerable confirmation of how they felt, and it's funny how they didn't start in the awkward talking and getting-to-know-each-other phase but just went straight to what they had in mind once the world agrees to put them together for good. Maybe in another life they'd have to go through that, maybe she will find him or he will find her in another sort of way. Maybe they'll not be battling time and space and the universe would cut them some slack to have that life in a better and easier way, where they'd no longer have to risk their lives and die in the process of making things work.

The paradox is that a lifetime has been spent without any affirmation from their hearts only for it to be said when the lifetime comes to an end.

To marry, have kids, grow old together, and travel the world. Now, Steve Rogers is living quite the dream. Sitting on the crescent-shaped stretch of golden-kissed sand a little far from the clear blue waters of this heavenly beach in Puerto Rico, where they have decided to spend the last quarter of January as a post-celebration trip for the twins' birthday.

He glanced at them on his left, where they played with shells and sand, giving a small smile then returning his eyes to the ocean where they seem to belong. The hue of the water struck with subtle sunshine mirrored his own two orbs. There's this certain degree of calm and satisfaction that came to him as the humid air touched the skin of his face. Delicate and loving, like the way they'd touch each other's faces in the middle of romantic conversations or simply when they'd steal moments at night, facing each other in bed and doing nothing but staring at the other while they wander in dreamland. But the soft and lingering touch wasn't only meant for moments of peace and joy, he remembers the same shaking fingers trying to reach his cheek only to wipe the tears that were dripping down when he was refusing to let her go again. The feel of her weak pinky clinging on his thumb when she didn't want to close her eyes but eventually did so; and most importantly, the exact moment he knew he was and will be a father for the rest of his life. What fear and courage he felt at that time. He was so breakable and yet so ready to face anything for his twins, which his ever so brave wife brought out to the world.

For all of his life, perhaps this scenery is the most tranquil he has ever witnessed. Apart from the fact that no other people are here and that the sea was all for his children to swim in, the few thick clouds seemingly teamed up to hide Mister Sun so he can't showcase his brightness. Almost like they were aware of how less vivid the world is in the absence of Natasha. Add the serene little waves that approached the shore like how the smallest fragments of memories he'd had from the moment he saw her, come back to him one by one.

He breathed in the salty air, refusing to let the tears take over so he closed his eyes. He might be the biggest, strongest man out there but he'd always cry for her. Cry for the moments he was too cowardly to recognize how he felt, and grieve for the lot of days he spent watching her from afar instead of walking her way and leading her to the tracks sooner. All of those evocations give him a very perfect excuse to somehow feel the need to release his regretful weep or most of the time, tears of joy, because after the share of torture, he was finally able to get here. He is finally here, living the life that he thought would be too impossible to have.

From the dainty and warm wind that he let past his face as he closed his eyes and listened to the waves slowly transitioned into silence. And the warm air he breathed earlier came out as a puff of smoke from his mouth. And when he opened his eyes, the ocean wasn't there anymore. Instead, there was a beautiful and scenic little palace-like houses that stood together below the hill he's standing on top of, where a few passing cable cars steal his sighT every now and then. Each of the roofs were covered by glowing sheets of snow and the warm city lights of this fairytale-like place called Innsbruck (a city in Austria) gave a vibrant glow hinting under the moonlight. Steve smiled, breathing the cold air once again as he out his hands in his pockets as he looked up the sky, where a calm full moon overpowered some of the few neighboring stars.

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