Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - Getting to know the real you

Tom and I sat the tables as we waited for the others to finish their ride, and honestly it was pretty awkward. 

I was silent for most of the time until I got the courage to start talking. 

"So.. Tell me about you" I finally said after many momments of debating if I should speak or not. 


"Yea, Your Tom Felton, a really good actor" I said again as more gust of wind blew in my face and destroying my bun. 

"Well, what would you like to know?" Tom asked as he ran his hand through his now messy hair.

"uhm.. everything and anything" I chuckled softly

"that's gonna take a while" 

"We have a while, the line hasn't moved yet" I looked back at Camille who was talking to Emma 

"Okay.. Uhm.. I'm twenty-two, I used to live in Surrey but I now live in London, I'm the youngest out of my three brothers, I love to fish, I play sports, and I love the outdoors. That's about it I think.. How about you?"

"What do you want to know?" I asked 

"Everything and anything" he smirked and chuckled "How about your name then go on from there" 

"Alright, My full name is Ellie Mae Lewis but people usually call me Elle, I'm twenty-one, I moved to my apartment in London about 2 and half years ago, my favorite color is grey, I like rain for some reason, I'm a nurse at a childrens hospital near where I live, I have a older brother, My Dad died when I was five, and I'm honestly really shy" 

Tom laughed "And your a Harry Potter Fan" 

"Yea, I am" I laughed with him 

"Your very interesting Elle Lewis, very interesting" He smiled 

"thanks?" I said confused

"I mean, you and your friend Camille, no you really haven't freaked about meeting us" 

"About that-" 

"And you actually want to know me, the real me" Tom's smile got even bigger than before

I shrugged "Well I wouldn't like to know anyone but the real you" I smiled "Also, I don't know much about you" 

"That's weird.. most girls act like they know every single thing about me"

I sighed "I don't google or read articles about you, I honestly know by heart that those things aren't even true" my smile printed back on my face again "And I prefer to know the true person, by talking" 

"That's nice.." He smiled


"Is there a reason why your really shy?" 

"Yea actually" My eyes trailed off into the distance as my smile started to fade away 

"We don't have to talk about it if your not comfortable" He said as I placed my eyes back on his

"I really don't mind talking about it actually" I softly smiled "so when I just turned 6, I had to speak at my dad's funeral" 

"oh I'm sorry" 

"It's fine, but I kept suttering while I was talking about my dad and honestly it just built up from there" I laughed weakly

"So that's why your friend was talking to us while you were so quiet" 

"Camille is just a nice person in general, although she doesn't really know about my shy side" I said 

"doesn't she know about your father?" 

"She doesn't know how he died, but she knows he passed" Tom nodded as I heard Camille shouting my name

"You guys went on already?" Tom asked as Emma, Rupert and Daniel followed behind Camille 

"The ride broke down, they said they were in the process of fixing it but we'd have to wait 45 minutes" Emma told us sitting down next to me

"Why don't you guys look for another one? it's only 5:30, still pretty early" Tom asked 

"How about over there?" Daniel said pointing to another ride 

"You guys go ahead just meet back here after your done" I said 

"Alright, we'll meet back later" Rupert said as Emma got up and left with Camille 

"Bye" I smiled as they left 

"So, you said you were a nurse right?" Tom said as I turned to face him again 

"Yup, I work at a childrens Hospital near my apartment" 

"That's cool" 

"I'd love to do your job" I smiled 

"Almost everyone wants to do my job" he smirked

"Your the Draco Malfoy, who almost all the girls fall for" He laughed 

"Thank you, thank you very much" Tom smiled as I giggled

"Going Elvis, I like it" I said as We both laughed "You four are supposed to be filming, yet your here with two ordinary girls you randomly met" 

"Technical Difficulties were going on, so we got two weeks off from the set. And we guys like hanging out with girls, Emma just tagged along since she nothing else better to do" He smirked once again

I felt my face go red a little bit, but I quickly snapped out of it "Technical difficulties?" 

"It's a long story" He chuckled 

"Your off for two weeks, must be nice" 

"totally, some-" 

"Elle!" I turned around and saw Camille running back towards the table me and Tom were sitting at. 

"Camille!" I mocked as she sat down next to me as Tom chuckled "I thought you guys were going to-" 

"Weasley got hungry" Daniel said as Rupert nudged him on the arm "What? I'm just telling them what happened" 

"Weasley?" Me and Camille asked

"we call each other that sometimes" Emma said as she stood across from me

"How about we all get dinner?" Tom said as we both got up from our seats. 

A/n: I know it's boring but trust me it'll get interesting :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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