Chapter 1

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I hate her.

I'm gonna kill her once I'm free.

It's her fault I'm in this jail cell.

If it wasn't for her, this never would've happened.

And I'm in here rotting while she's out probably enjoying her life without me and without drama or worry or care.

Fucking great.

"Mr. Styles."

I looked up.

Jacob was standing there. I glared.

"I guess I was right when I said that we'd be seeing each other again very soon, wasn't I?"

"What do you want?" I growled.

"Your court hearing is in two days. The DA is offering a deal. You admit you're guilty, say your little buddies were involved, and you get out on three years probation and 3000 hours of community service."

"What if I don't take it?"

"Depends on wether you plead guilty or innocent."

"What if I plead innocent?"

"Then you would lose and spend a year. A year and you can get out on good behavior."


"Two years."

"Is anyone going to explain to me how I got arrested or where the warrant came from or the evidence to allow the warrant to arrest me?" I asked, standing up.

"Hospital surveillance footage. You said, and I quote, 'Did the bullet that I fired cause you to go deaf?!' Also, Savannah Reynolds. Formerly Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend."

I mentally cursed.

"What did she say?"

"Said that you took the gun from her father and used it to shoot miss Han...Miranda Jones in the leg."

My eyes widened at his slip up.

"Right, well you guys are free to go." The detective said, and smiled at us, but then raised his eyebrows at me, like he was plotting something.

"Did I--"

"Yes Miranda?"

"Have we ever met.... before this?" Miranda asked cautiously.

"Maybe we have, maybe we haven't. That's for you to figure out." He said, and swiftly returned to his office, disappearing from sight.

I guess he saw the surprise on my face because he gave me a smug grin.

"Something wrong, Mr. Styles?"


"Good. Make your decision."

He stalked off and I was consumed by my thoughts again.

I'm going to kill her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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