Chapter 1 Writing on the wall

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"Aussieeee!" Yelled America when he smashed into Australia at the speed of a train and then proceeded to hug him tightly.
"Mate, get off me I can't breathe!" Said Australia who was standing at the mouth of a huge cave, or at least he was standing but right now he was sprawled on the ground after America smashed into him.
"Right, so why are we here again?"
"Mum told us to investigate the caves around here since everyone else is busy."
"So why am I here then."
"Well, he wanted you to appreciate history since you barely ever bother to learn it whatsoever."
"By going into an old creepy-ass cave with my brother."
"Apparently so mate."
"This cave really is massive, should we go in, are you sure it's safe Australia?"
"Stop being such a worrywart this cave has never collapsed before and I can deal with pretty much any animal bite," Australia remarked cheerfully.

When they entered the cave it suddenly got very dark, not very deep in the cave even though it was bright enough outside to blind someone if they looked at the sun. While Australia was hunting around for anything interesting on the ground America was looking on the roof and walls of the cave as well until he found some writing chipped into the rock in a language that looked like they had never seen it before, but could also understand.
"A-a-Aussie come here, I think I found something interesting." Said a surprisingly scared America.
"What scared you, a snake or something." Said Australia, even if he couldn't see the other he could feel the smirk on his face. But when he saw what America was pointing at he stopped smirking he looked only mildly less scared than America but he also seemed intrigued.
"Should we read it out America?"
"Ok dude but if something happens you're to blame."

If you can read this inscription, I take that you are nations as well. Welcome to the birthplace and subsequent deathbed of the first nation.
"Umm, what the fuck Australia!?"
"Don't ask me, I'm as confused as you are. Keep reading."
People of the past knew of our nations and were scared and jealous of us. They locked away some of our rightful power using ancient long-forgotten magic. You can reclaim all your power if you...

"CALM DOWN ALFRED AND STOP SHOUTING. I'm not sure if this is a good idea."
"Sure it is bro, it would be cool to be all strong and stuff, like a superhero." Suddenly America disappeared and saying Australia got worried was quite an understatement. Then out of apparently a wall America appeared once more shouting.

"Hey let me see that?!" said an incredulous Australia who followed America into the wall only to be struck speechless for the second time in 5 minutes. It was a massive cavern that purely felt of power, they ran to the far end of the cave to read the rest of the writing in the wall.
If you wish to reclaim what was lost, stand in the design in front of you.
"Dude, should I do it or should you?"
"Can we both do it?"
"Ok, let's do it together."
They both stood in the design in front of them, it looked like an older more complicated version of the weird circles that they found around England's house. They both started to move by themselves into the pentagram and their bodies, on their own picked up an ancient-looking knife from the corner and both cut the skin underneath their neck in quick succession. To anyone looking, even though it was impossible, they looked like they were in some kind of trance. They didn't even wince as they did this and allowed their blood to drop down and get absorbed into the earth as if it was never there.
They both heard an identical chant in their heads.

Give back what was lost

Give back what was stolen.

Give back what has been forgotten.

Give back everything that was sealed away.

Give back everything that was locked away.

With the blood and want of these nations, I unlock everything that was taken from us.

We no longer will be the personifications of current nations but so much more than that.

A blinding silvery pink light engulfed America and a silver light did the same to Australia. 2 agonizing screams echied through the cave, they could feel nothing but pain and they collapsed the light still engulfing the older of them a good minute or so longer than the younger. Neither of them was aware of what consequences this could have for them or the other nations.

This is short asf but I couldn't make it much longer

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