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Tw: bad language

You and Kenji headed back to the spot were the others left you . You haven't spoke since what happened with Toro, the whole thing was kinda awkward. After 5 minutes when you went back the others came back and David told you that the punishment was over .

--------------( Time skip)------------------

It's 12am , all were sleeping except from you.
Y/n pov:
Wtf happened today , I am not myself lately , I can't understand why I leave Kenji effective me so bad without even know how to control it , I mean okay he is hot and charming and sometimes cute without even trying WTF Y/N FOCUSE ...ah- the point is that whatever the hell is happening to me I must stop it because if it gets too far maybe I will get hurt or broken I mean he likes the Miss-perfect-body-hair-athletic-mysterious-Yasmina or whatever . But you know what it's okay I don't need to be loved or a boyfriend anyway , boyfriends come and go but so I prefer to be attached with something that stays
Yeah ofc my obsession with dinosaurs , since I was 6 dinosaurs were there for me and I know will never leave . Anyways it's getting late I must actually go to sleep cuz Roxy said we have a lot of activities to do tomorrow so
*Wears headphones opens phone and goes to Spotify*
Y/N Y/L/N (your last name) DONT EVEN DARE TO LISTEN "HEATHER" YOU DONT EVEN DESERVE IT , I have to go my phone back to the "super difficult hidden spot " where David hides our phones *---*

--------------------(time skip) ------------------
"Good morning campers" we heard Roxy yelling 
"Good morning " we all-three said like zombies and get up
After getting ready and everything we had breakfast and were waiting for the councils to announce our activities for today
"SO GUYS. Today we are going to have a ride with ...... gyrosphares!!! Isn't that AWASOOOOOOOOMEEE !!! " Said said kinda yelling
"Oh cool couldn't wait to get eaten by carnivores trapped to a a giant bowl" said Brooklyn looking at her phone
" Pfff no it will be just some harmless stegosaurus and triceratops " said Roxy
" Well they are not that harmless you mean more harmless from carnivores " you wishepered to yourself but for some reason everyone heard you
Kenji gave you a glance like saying "seriously dino-freak"
"Okay let's go now" David said clapping his hands

-------------------(time skip)-----------------

You arrived at a field and there was 3 gyrosphares Infront of you "okay guys we will separate you to couples and during the ride we will looking out for you from the jeep , dont go to far or outside the field and if a dinosaur kick you don't worry you will be okay don't panic" Roxy explained . You were so excited , you will be so close to them and and it also will be fun if you drive the gyrosphare
"Okay guys let's see , hmmmm ... Okay Yazmina go with Sammy " Yasmina rolled her eyes and Sammy grapped Yaz from her arm and got into the gyrosphare "Ben go with Brooklyn" David continued "oh no that means that -" you thought . "Y/n with Kenji".
"I fucking knew it , I fucking knew that universe would take this opportunity to make my life more miserable that already is" you thought again . You and Kenji smiled to eachother awkwardly and got into gyrosphare. You were driving so fuck  yeah

You and others started driving and headed to a the "gang" ( some stegosaurus, brachiosaurus , agilosauros and triceratops), Kenji was looking outside and you front pretended that you were looking at the dinosaurs- but your excitement was real- "OMGGGGG" you yelled from excitement , "What happened , are you okay" Kenji asked kinda worried , " LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL THEY ARE ". You grapped his arm and started shaking it "Omg Y/n what's wrong with you are why you so weird" he said trying to seem annoyed but he couldn't hide his smile "pff I am not I am just excited , I mean look around THEY ARE LIVING DINOSAURS , DINOSAURS" , "Yeah I kinda noticed that he started laughing"
"Will you let my arm or not"
You noticed you were still holding his arm "Oh I am sorry " you said looked away and blushed a little bit , he blushed too and looked away but you understood he did . The mood was so happy and flirty you felt like he was having kinda the same feeling for you and then...
"You know it was kinda a same that David didn't put me and Yazmina together , I mean we would probably hooking out now" and all the atmosphere got ruined , you sallowed and kept looking away with your smile fading way "wtf Kenji just stop talking and giving me hopes already" you thought
" Hey where are the others going" you said catching your eyes the gyrosphare of Sammies and Yaz heading through the woods
"Hold on" you said to kenji and speed up
Kenji looked you with the impressed face
-------------(time skip , you know you saved the triceratop and everything)-----
You were all sitting in the two couches at the common room , it was 8am but Roxy and David allowed you to hang out until late and go to sleep whenever you want for today
"Hey guys I got an idea, why don't we lite up a fire and have some marshmallows" said Sammy breaking the silence "Omg good idea Sammy " you said and she skilled bad "You prepare the fire and I am going to bring the marshmallows" Brooklyn said "Okay , you are lucky I am here cuz I am the master of the fire" Kenji was saying while you Ben Yazmina and he was going to the balcony. "Is not that hard anyway Kenji" you said and through a match at some woods which were in a middle of 4 banches and a fire began to grow. He rolled his eyes on you and you laughed. "Now I am the master of the fire" "Marshmallows are here" Brooklyn yelled and headed to everyone some sticks and 3-4 marshmallows
You all sat down , Ben sat next to you , at the other banch Kenji next to Yazmina and at the other Brooklyn with Sammy. "Ofc go sit next to your beautiful Yazmina" you thought
"So guys what's up" Brooklyn chat
"Um nothing " Ben chated back , you didn't listen you were focused to your marshmallow and be aware not to burn it " Well I know that will sound crazy but I hope something like a meet-eating dinosaur escape and make our days here more interesting" Brooklyn said after bitting her Marshmallow "Its carnivores actually , and I hope not so cuz we will be in a great danger" you said while bitting your marshmallow
"Yeah but at least I will have something interesting to post in my channel and make everyone stfu" Brooklyn said
"Guys guys, do you wanna play truth or dare " Kenji suggested
"Hmm it would be interested" Yazmina said
"Um I don't know guys it makes me kinda anxious this game"-ben
"Oh c'ome Ben it would be fun" you said to him pounding his arm
"Okay Y/n if you say so " he smiled you back and made eyes contact when Kenji cough you off "Aghm Agmh should we start" he said kinda annoyed
"Oh oh I will start- Brooklyn truth or dare?!" Sammy asked Brooklyn
"I will go with dare"
"I dare you to give a hug to Y/N " she said laughing
"What- what kind of dare is this what we are 6th graders" Kenji complainted
"Okay well rawr like a T-Rex loud at the aege of the balcony"
"Okay" Brooklyn said and did the dare
"So my turn , Kenji"-brooklyn
"Truth or dare!?"
"Dare ofc , I am not a pussy"
"Hmmm okay , I dare you ... To ...hug Yazmina for 5 sec" Brooklyn said laughing " Okay no problem" he said
"Seriously now Kenji " you thought
He hugged her with no problem , ofc she was just sitting there and was waiting for the 5 seconds to pass . Then they broke up and went back to their sits "Okay my turn , hmmm Ben" Kenji said and pointed to Ben "Truth or dare"
"Um truth-"
"Okay, do you have a crush from here and if yes who is it , if you don't wanna say who just say yes or no , and the dinosaur you met today doesn't count "
" Umsndjdjsk can I pass it " he said anxious
"Nope , just say yes or no"
" Sjwjdjwjdke YES jsnsibsiw but I don't say who" he said and strated sweating
"Interesting , can't wait to find out who is the lucky girl " 😏 Kenji said
" Um guys I think it's about to rain and yep it's raining "
"Danm I had some really good dares" said Kenji and all headed inside
"Okay guys I go to bed now , night"
"Good night Y/n , see you tomorrow"Ben said and smiled to you
"Good night Ben" you smiled him back
Before you closed the door in the girls dorm you saw Ben and Kenji staring at you
"Creepy " you thought

Hey guys sorry for being late I just had some exams you know , well I hope you enjoyed that chapter and I am really sorry for some grammatical mistakes <33

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