4141-4160 Will he leave her?

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Chapter 4141 So that

  's it. The powerful Vajra Violent Ape was kicked by Su Luo and flew upside down!

  At this moment, Su Luo himself was dumbfounded.

  Then King Kong Storm Ape was also dumbfounded.

  Even the second young master of

  Nangong who had no plans to spare, he was dumbfounded... Nangong Liuyun stared at Su Luo in disbelief.

  Isn't this girl at the level of the Deified Six-Star, even if she can leapfrog, kicking the Deified Eight-Star, but this Vajra Violent Ape is above the Dzogchen level, she actually kicked it out?

  But after being unconscious and being illuminated by a beam of light, his body strength soared to such an extent after waking up?

  Just when the Second Young Master Nangong was surprised, Su Luo, who had recovered, was already incarnate as a violent beautiful girl, rushing up to the King Kong Violent Ape, punching and kicking, and slapped and said, "Let you attack me! Let's attack me! You sneak attack on me! Do you dare to sneak attack?!"

  If it weren't for Su Luo's physical strength soaring, just now that the claw of the King Kong Violent Ape came down, Su Luo's heart would be caught by it!

  The King Kong Storm Ape himself is also dumbfounded.

  It clearly senses that the other party is very weak, so why is it so violent? And every time a fist hits it, it hurts to die and die?

  Before she knew it, Nangong Liuyun walked to Su Luo and saw that the King Kong violent ape was dying from being beaten by her, and he smiled lightly and said: "This purple electric divine leaf has been guarded for many years. If you snatch it, it will naturally Attack, now that it has been beaten like this, let's forget it."

  Let's forget it? Will these words be spoken from Nangong Liuyun's mouth? Su Luo looked at Nangong Liuyun suspiciously, as if he didn't believe it.

  However, seeing the smile that flashed across Nangong Liuyun's eyes, Su Luo suddenly realized that Nangong No.2 had a conspiracy.

  "Since you said that, okay, give you this face." Su Luo left the King Kong Violent Ape and turned to pick the purple electric divine leaf.

  The Purple Lightning Divine Leaf is difficult to find, but the collection is not too difficult. It took Su Luo ten minutes to take out the entire purple light leaf's roots and transplant it into her space.

  After thinking about it, Su Luo ran over again and moved the statue of the mother-in-law into the space.

  At this moment, Su Luo found a rustling sound, turned his head and saw that the King Kong Violent Ape was about to run!

  "Dare to run!" Su Luo was angry, and a Tianbo fist was about to smash at King Kong Violent Ape.

  Nangong Liuyun's deep eyes showed a touch of dumbfounding. This girl, after the body is strong, she will hit people at every turn. This habit is not very elegant.

  "Don't." When Su Luo Tianbo's fist was still hitting, Nangong Liuyun grabbed Su Luo's hand and said, "Catch it."

  "Huh?" Obviously, he could fist the escaped King Kong violent ape. Killed, why chase after?

  Su Luo was still puzzled, so Nangong Liuyun took his hand and moved quickly.

  The King Kong Storm Ape is a power type, and speed is not its advantage, so Nangong Liuyun and Su Luo follow it, which is more than enough.

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