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After there discussion , sheikha is still somewhere processing with all the information. She's on her way to her home and with her new member of family or more prominent one .. Mr blue .. who's sitting beside her .. with all his items .. and the kids with the woman ..
Latifa -  don't worry bhabhi .. bhai will take care of u .. and u don't have to worry .. we all r there ..
Sheikha - so now all will call me bhabhi .. I'm so younger ..
Hind - it's okk sheikhu. . Now u r older in ur relationship .. and u will get use to be .. and my son will take care of u in London ..
Sheikha - I hope so khala. . That people of dubai accepts me .. and he's so popular crown prince . With so many girls and models want to marry him ..
Hind - so .. they want to .. not him .. we have asked him .. it's not like it's forced on him ..
Latifa - yes.. so now think less on this .. tomorrow u r gonna get engaged and married ..
Hind - legally .. so they can stay at London .. like a married couple .  He will be busy with whole other things and she with study .
Mr blue is there to cheer u ..
Sheikha laughs - yes and hamdaan told me he will go with us .. and will spend time ..as he will come in weeks ..
All smiles as they know about fazza care and adoration for Sheikha. . Yet they didn't disclose as time will ..

As her friends comes to know about this .. they ate fangirling. . As fazza is quite popular. . Sheikha doesn't understand the craziness as he's part of her family ..
Sara - u r taking with all well ..
The best friend of sheikha. . Sara understand her friend is not just any girl in past .. and now she's just not anyone but crown prince wife ..
Sheikha - I knew it's hard .. but he's amazing .. he made me understand. We talked on all aspects . I think the courtship period will help us to know each other ..
Sara - he's amazing human being . Whatever I have learnt from u and his instagram is so cool .. and even the people .. who has met him .. and he's won so many tournaments .. educated . Handsome ..
Sheikha - that's the added  qualities, tomorrow I have my engagement and marriage .. and I don't have any idea what I'm gonna wear ... and all other things ..
Hind - u don't have to worry my daughter .. ur mother in law gonna make u happiest . 
Sheikha smiles and hugs her.. all members of the family knows Sheikha is hind favourite and vice versa. She's that flower which makes hind smile from the day she was born .. she's that kohinoor of hind .  And why Sheikha is chosen by her . 
Latifa - amma u love her so much.
They see whole selection of clothes .. and all royal jewellery ..
But what surprises them is the vast no of jewellery .. 
Sara - this much your highness ..
All gets alert as they see gifts from king coming ..
Sheikha - amma it's really not necessary .. what will I do of these stuff .. and king too send ..
Hind - okay sheikhu. . But tomorrow guests will be there of our extended family u have to look regal too ..
Latifa - amma what about the ring  .
Hind -  well as mother in law .. I will give my ring first. ..
Hind opens a box . And it was the not the biggest diamond .. as they all expected her friends .. it was vintage .. hind takes her right hand instead of left .. all gets curious .  She makes her wear ..
Sara - your highness I think u meant left hand ..
Hind - no child . Left ring finger ring that places belong to my son .. I think he will select the best like he did with sheikhu. .
Sheikhu -  but u selected me.. not him ..
All sees her seriousness .. and hind gets the idea what sheikha meant. .
Latifa - u r taking wrong ..
Hind - sheikhu . We may have chosen u .. but let me tell u hamdan is very serious about u way before this alliance .  He fought with king.. as he didn't wanted u to get in the clutches of duty and moreover he knows u way more then me .  And he adores u ..
Listening hind all her friends gets shock .. and sheikhu is silent and processing all words  . .
Latifa - yes bhabhi .. have u ever thought why u were allowed to study outside dubai .. that too London .. when ur other sisters weren't. . Why u wearing jeans .. we all know .. but why the crown prince security is attached with u ..
Hind -  he from childhood is shy boy .. yet naughty .. but he has always adored u .. and u know this .. too .. and coming to this .. time will give u answer .. but let me tell u he's doing this because he has accepted with his whole heart and u should too ..
Sheikha - okay amma . 
Latifa - now chear up .. we gonna have bridal shower .. tonight all girls .. junk food ..  movie night ..
All nodes and laughs ... sheikha is still stuck with all information and the reality .. that's it's her new path ..

Fazza home ....
All his friends and nephew are present .. all r happy for him ..
Uncle saeed - finally old soul got married ..
Ahmad - yes .. can't belive we finding bride for him everywhere .. when the bride was always present there in front of our eyes..
Maktoum - sheikhu is still a child at heart .. I mean yaa she's marrying u .  U better take care bhai ..
Fazza - u think I'm gonna harm her ..
Ahmad -no . What we mean is be easy on her..
Uncle saeed - have u called the jeweller .. u have to present a ring if u remember. .
Fazza - uncle I do remember.  It's not a chocolate .. that I will forget .  He's on his way .. it's a ring..
Ahmad - u better choose good .. like the best diamond .. and all ...
Fazza - not at all .. the ring has to be simple .. she doesn't like these things. ..
Uncle saeed - ahem ahem !! How do u know this ?
Maktoum - it's not even a question uncle .. bhaijaan knows sheikhu way more .. 
Fazza assistant -  your highness the royal jeweller and all big jewellers have come ..
Fazza - okay .. I'm coming .. can we go now ..
All moves towards living room .. where they see many woman jewellers and men all lined up and eager to sell there ring ..
Fazaa and his friends and brothers all seats .. all place here ring collection .  But fazza notice all are big diamonds.. and way too complicated ...
Uncle saeed - so hamdan.. select ..
Fazza - excuse me ..
He stands and watches all the collection .. and he's not impressed ..
Fazza - these all r very glittery and heavy rings .. I want something simple elegant and  a wedding band too...
Maktoum - simple .. and a wedding band too ..
Fazza - she's gonna wear it daily what she has said .. and wedding band is my idea as she will be continuing her studies in London ..
The boys and uncle smiles as they see prince knows her and how much he is interested and looking forward to this new relationship .. they know Fazza loves her even if he says he just adores her ..
Fazza - so can I see wedding bands   .. engagement ring I will take care of myself .. as I do not like any one of it ..
All gets shock at his remarks .. alk jeweller face fell ..
Fazza - don't mind my words .. what I'm looking is actually I already have ..
Uncle saeed - u have the ring ..
Fazza - not really a ring .  It's actually sapphire blue diamond the one I was gifted uncle do u remember. .
Maktoum - but that diamond is the last diamond like this .. are u gonna make it ring ..
Fazza - yes .. and it has meaning to .. it sparkles just like her eyes. 
All other gets shock at crown prince words .  His brother control there laughs and his assistant too.  Uncle saeed pats his back ..
Fazza sees all his brothers and friends smiling . And see the jeweler too .. 
Fazza - so Mr khan ..
The royal jeweler. . Comes forward .  Fazza takes out a box ..
Fazza - this is the diamond .. and inside I have instructions how the and should .. Diamond should be covering the sapphire .. it's all there .. I have made a pic . And the size of ring too ..
All gets how much he has given thought .. about the ring .. and all the woman are there jealous .. but they knew crown prince fiance is beautiful. .
Fazza -  now as a wedding band .  I want a gold band .  And have to inscrip.. something ..inside .. that I'm gonna tell to the jeweller and it's gonna be private .. as if information gets leak .. the person would be charged .. so I myself will be present there .. when u will do ...now ..
Uncle saeed and ahmad watches faaza and eyes each other .. they knew he is fully invested .. as being the introvert in feelings of heart .. it's very new for them ..
Ahmad - sheikha bhabhi is rubbing on him ..
Uncle - no doubt .. and I hope he will be too open ..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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