The Moon is Kind To witness

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       They had dropped the kids home later on, Luo-Yi had an early time off and is very much happy to have her time alone with A-Xiang , The little girl as well got excited at  the idea of being with her aunt after a rowdy play, little Cao Wei Ning was picked up by his older cousin Mo WeiXu

        Zhou Zishu left JiuXiao and HanYing incharge,

         Zhou Zishu and Wen KeXing sat at the bench by the lake shore, cups of coffee in each hand, they sat in silence, comfortable at each other's presence

"The moon is beautiful tonight"  Wen KeXing said looking at Zhou Zishu's

Zishu shook his head in amusement at the words before smiling back at Wen KeXing

"Isn't it?" He answered and Wen KeXing gave him the most breathtaking smile if it's even possible to be the only one to have such smile

"Scratch that A-Xu, What is the moon when I  forget it when I look at you?" his smile suddenly held mirth,Zishu rolled his eyes

Wen KeXing had knack for poetry and Zishu finds himself the subject to that

"I thought you're doctor Wen? Why did you suddenly become a poet?"

"Iam a doctor of both body and words A-Xu"

Zishu laughed, there's nothing particularly funny on what Wen KeXing said, but their situation is a bit laughable albeit romantic

Afterall he is the head of TianChuang Investigative firm, he's not one to be easily swayed with flattery but then Wen KeXing opens his mouth and he sways

Wen KeXing is reeling, fingers drumming on the cup on his hand as the moon shines brightly above them

He remembers the time they had a drink of wine under the moonlight, how he was still blinded by revenge back then, many died that night and Zhou Zishu had called him a lunatic, he didn't realize how much those words affected him until the next day and they had an argument and he had said words he immediately regret …

This time, under the moon once again, a cup of warm coffee on both their hands, and he stares at his A-Xu, same as before yet different in a sense that Wen KeXing is different as well

They didn't have the burden of the blood staining their hands, no revenge and regrets that cloud their judgements

He wondered were the people that A-Xu lost before.. Are they…



"Whom did you drop ChengLing off to?" He asked

"My cousins"

Wen KeXing's whole being filled with relief,if what he's thinking we're right… Those cousins

"JiuXiao and A-Ying"

KeXing felt like a huge thorn was removed, JiuXiao shidi and HanYing shidi are living good lives with A-Xu and ChengLing, and he couldn't be more.thankful for that

"I want to meet them someday"

Zhou Zishu looked at him


Wen KeXing once again smiled and took a drink from his cup latching back into their comfortable silence, they didn't know when but suddenly they're sitting too close to each other that their shoulders are touching

"I'm happy"

Zishu jusy smiled and drank from his cup

"Won't you ask why A-Xu?"

"You will tell me when you're ready ams when the time comes, won't you?"

KeXing once again got pulled into nostalgia, same conversations happening and it all felt surreal

"A-Xu… can I hug you?" he asked not registering what he had just asked until he felt two arms pulling him into a warm embrace

The embrace that made Wen KeXing melt with warmth, his A-Xu whose scent is a mixture of pines and jasmines

Wen KeXing melts at the embrace

Savoring the feeling once again

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