Chapter 2

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Hi queens! 

Backkkkk :)

Okie sorry for leaving you guys at a cliff hanger- LET THE STORY BEGIN!!!!


The plan was: Vex was going to ask Calla on a date, chill and do their cute adorable couple stuff, and also get a bit of information about Sophie and her whereabouts- plus if she was okay, so on. Marella had also personally requested Vex to ask Calla who her dad was, because Marella needed to know who Sophie ended up with. Marella bet it was one of the boys from the love-triangle, containing Fitz and Sophie (who were already together), and Marella knew that Keefe liked Sophie- she just knew it. After all- she was the gossip queen and ultimate shipper!

Dex had insisted that knowing who Calla's dad was was completely unnecessary, just in case Calla would feel so overwhelmed with questions that she wouldn't answer any of the 'important' ones. But Marella didn't care. Because- KNOWING ALL THE SHIPS THAT HAD BECOME OFFICIAL WAS BASICALLY AT THE TOP OF HER MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW BESIDES IF EVERYONE BESIDES SOPHIE WAS ALIVE AND IF EVERYONE WAS OKAY. 

"Go make momma and your daddy proud. And tell me if Calla's a good kisser. Dex doesn't think so- but maybe Sophie's daughter is." Marella said, kissing the top of Vex's head while Dex squirmed uncomfortably. 

"How do you know that?"

"I have my ways- I am the gossip queen after all." Marella said, rolling her eyes. 

"What happened to daddy?" Vex asked, looking up at his parents. 

"Oh, let's you want it detailed, super detailed, or every single bit of the story?" Marella asked, batting her eyelashes sweetly. Dex turned nuclear red. Another thing that reminded Marella of Sophie. Hopefully she could see her soon- alive and in good condition. 

"Don't you have to go on your date Vex?" Dex asked, desperately trying to change the subject. 

"OH YEAH! SEE YOU GUYS! BYEEEE!" Vex exclaimed before yelling, "Atlantis" on the Leap Master and going to meet Calla.



Vex stared out the cafe window, admiring the waterfall, where three statues stood. His mom, Marella, had told him all about her and her friends adventuring to Nightfall and saving Atlantis. Before all that chaos, there was a statue of a human and an elf, and the sceptre the elf was holding was actually a secret base for an evil group called the 'Neverseen' as his dad had said. Now, in place of those two wicked statues stood Aunt Linh, Aunt Sophie and Uncle Keefe. They were the true heroes- they saved Atlantis. 

"Hi!" a sweet voice said, snapping Vex out of his thoughts. He turned to see a pretty blonde girl with a right eye that was brown and a left eye that was blue (I think someone who has two different eye colours is/has Heterochromia iridium), which made her even prettier. "You must be Vex! I'm Calla. Calla Foster."

"Nice. If you don't know who I am, my mom is Marella Dizznee."

"Dizznee?" Calla asked, cocking her head to the side, confused. "I thought she was a Redek. That's what my dad said." 

"My dad's, Dex, is a Dizznee, so my mom took his last name." Vex explained. "Hey- wait. Who's your dad? Your mom is Sophie Foster, right?" 

Calla suddenly froze as if a Froster had come and covered her in solid ice. 

"How did you know?"

"Pretty sure the only elf with the last name Foster is the infamous Sophie Foster."

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